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immutable_truth t1_iugncx6 wrote

Lmao perfect example of how this sub is making this guy more relevant. You would never have asked this question if people weren’t rage posting about him nonstop.

All you need to know is he is a far right Republican who stands a snowballs chance in hell of winning a Vermont senate seat.

Understand that people in this state don’t have a hell of a lot to be outraged about, but they desperately want to feed their persecution fetish. So they have used Malloy as a means to this end.

It’s the equivalent of mainstream news making a story about a random tweet. In the end, it’s irrelevant and just serves as an outrage lightning rod.


B1gredmachine t1_iuhf5df wrote

Dude is running for office. That makes him relevant. His signs make him relevant. Stop pretending otherwise.

Past that, it's up to us to make sure everyone knows he's a deplorable Jan 6th carpetbagger.


Twombls t1_iui772p wrote

Remember when we said the same thing about trump.

Id rather have people on thid sub actually be educated about why this guy is a shitbag than someone accidentally filling in his bubble on the ballot because they saw he had the most signs. (A surprisingly common occurrence in local elections)


immutable_truth t1_iuiat6o wrote

I don’t think much educating is taking place haha. Most posts are complaining about his signage and suggesting he wants to fuck eagles.

I don’t think someone is going to vote for him bc this sub is putting his name out there - I just hate the wasted energy in even worrying about this guy.


stinking_badgers t1_iuig7fu wrote

I mean, he’s the Republican nominee. That didn’t happen because of the Vermont subreddit. If some people on here get educated about him that’s a positive.