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Quirfg t1_isycjw0 wrote

Everyone who respects their fellow Americans should vote yes. I couldn't imagine being friends with people who think I don't deserve the right to choose what I do with my body.


cpujockey t1_isze4uu wrote

> fellow Americans

you spelled Vermonters incorrectly.


NotTooWicked t1_iszghkp wrote

Not necessarily. Things like this help establish precedent which may end up helping people in other states have guaranteed access to their rights as well.


cpujockey t1_iszh7jt wrote

Sure, but voting for prop 2 or 5 only effects Vermont. As it should be.

What ever happens at the federal level is whatever, what's important is the here and now in Vermont.

I'm so proud of everyone taking action on this. Women's health and bodies need autonomy, and slavery sucks. So it's def a no-nonsense issue for voters.


Howard_Scott_Warshaw t1_it8mg8p wrote

Spicy take on the anti-vax movement.


Quirfg t1_it8q8h8 wrote

Only an anti-vaxxer would compare. Like redcaps who think them facing prosecution for treason is akin to the holocaust.


Howard_Scott_Warshaw t1_it8svj9 wrote

I don't know what a redcap is.

You stated "I couldn't imagine being friends with people who think I don't deserve the right to choose what I do with my body."

Where is that line? Who is defining that line? Why is your line better/more moral than anyone elses line?