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YPG-Got-Raqqa t1_iszg90u wrote

Yes because if you are forcing people to work that is slavery. People who are imprisoned cannot consent because they are imprisoned.

If we want to provide work opportunities to prisoners we need to do it for at least minimum wage and not exploit them.

In the world's wealthiest society there is a profound issue if we need to use slave labor rather than fair labor to produce our goods and services.


joycethegod t1_iszxaoi wrote

If you’re sent to prison though, after a sentencing by a court, that acts as the consent that you no longer have a right to your freedoms for a certain amount of time. Thus people in prison are referred to as ‘state property’ technically. So, Why not allow them to work for minimum wage or less if they want to. I say or less because it’s not fair to people not in jail to make the same amount as those who have broken laws.
