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raincntry t1_isyi74l wrote

I think the issue you're going to run into with all these alternate providers is that they lease bandwidth from Verizon, AT&T, or Sprint. They don't have their own infrastructure. That means you will almost certainly run into data caps no matter where you go. It's super frustrating and seems patently disingenuous to say unlimited data but then throttle you speed down to unusable after a certain point, but that's where we are in today's market.


AdventureSheepies t1_isyl6t6 wrote

Yeah, I know that if I go back to Verizon, they have a higher cap before they start to slow things down. Last resort, I guess. There have been a few new cell towers put up in the last few years, so hopefully some of that coverage will improve. But for now, Verizon has had the best coverage around here. Looking forward to an updated driving test map!


NerdCleek t1_isyzi4l wrote

I've noticed that the Verizon network has gone downhill in the Upper Valley area, mainly Hanover over the last year or two. We're thinking of switching to Tmobile, which some of my local friends have in our town and it actually gets service in our rural town in some parts.


GuideAggressive5800 t1_isyqb0k wrote

There is no cap for unlimited data plans for Verizon, just hot spotting. The only issue you can run into is de-prioritization, which is just a fancy word for slowing your data down a bit during peak hours in heavily congested areas. All of southern VT is rural enough that it doesn't'll really only run into that issue occasionally up in Champlain Valley.

The other folks are correct- you get what you pay for. Every other company outside of the big 3 rent the shitty parts of the network and sell it to you. There will always be a catch if it seems to cheap to be true.

Source- I work with Verizon (not for, WITH) for my job.


NerdCleek t1_isyz7a2 wrote

There is a cap in a sense, if you go beyond 22GB/line they will throttle your speeds -


GuideAggressive5800 t1_it0c5lq wrote

Again, there is no cap.


foodfood321 t1_it3f24i wrote

Will it sounds like a cap, and feels like a cap. A valve? A bottle neck either is a restriction. So, a soft cap, nice and felty


romayohh t1_isxzpff wrote

Where in southern Vermont? I live in the southernmost end of the upper valley and work in Dorset, mint is comparable to Verizon and I actually get better service at home than I ever did with Verizon.


AdventureSheepies t1_isy83ge wrote

I live in Brattleboro, but work all over the region. I know there will be places that I will never get any service with anyone, but I just blaze through those 20 GB and get my speed throttled every month. I'll look into mint, thanks!

It makes me super salty, paying for something called unlimited that has a hard limit.


oneisgoodtwoisbetter t1_isy52ss wrote

Upper Valley area of Vermont here too. I have xfinity but am very curious about mint. Thanks for sharing your experience e with it, I should check it out.


shortieXV t1_isyauaq wrote

Not from that area so couldn't swear to it but the services that lease from other providers tend to have best variety of coverage in my experience. Mint and GoogleFi come to mind. I use Fi because it has built in WiFi calling that covers me most places I end up even if the cell signal isn't great. Wouldn't help if stranded though. Hope this gives you ideas

Edit: fixing auto correct stuff


AdventureSheepies t1_isyef5k wrote

Thanks, I am going to look into mint. I did try GoogleFi a few years ago but it was downright unusable in Brattleboro. It was fine if I went over the river into Keene, but I rarely need to go that way. I suppose it's possible they have improved since then, but it was completely useless here last time I tried. Thanks!


shortieXV t1_isyeryw wrote

Best of luck. Sorry for mobile auto correct spelling issues in my original post.


jamesgerardharvey t1_it111g8 wrote

If you're anywhere near a Walmart you can sign up for Straight Talk- I'm paying $35 a month.