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Coachtzu t1_isygka4 wrote

Climbing gyms are a great non alcoholic way of meeting people, people are usually pretty chatty, open to meeting people, good way to stay in shape too.


watami66 OP t1_isyhkxh wrote

Unfortunately I have severe knee issues and ongoing dislocation issues with it, so most sports type stuff isn't really much of an option for me, aside from fishing or maybe hiking type stuff that's lower impact and I have more control.

Thanks for the suggestion though!


BooksNCats11 t1_iszhl4a wrote

There's a Hiking it Easy group on Facebook if you're on there. Great group of people.


willowbeest t1_iszcb4m wrote

You might see if Outdoor Gear Exchange has any groups for some of those lower impact group sport activities. Group hikes and kayak rentals come to mind as possibilities!

Another thought is to check out art, craft, and/or maker spaces or music dojo if you have an urge to be creative in any way. Pottery, painting, sewing, building stuff, cooking classes, jamming with others if you play any instruments, maybe?

And then I also hear there are local DND groups, the Board Room (board game place), and events happening from time to time. Good luck in your search!


Jerry_Williams69 t1_it0rc4o wrote

I was diagnosed with MS 3 years ago. When it really had me down and I couldn't do anything, I picked up Elder Scrolls Online. Made a lot of gamer friends who helped me get through the worst of it while I got myself back together. Online gaming is a great outlet. Side note, I'm definitely more of an introvert.