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[deleted] t1_ir7vsuu wrote



showmeyourbrisket t1_ir89whd wrote

Did the water ever test bad?

If not it seems the fluoride was too damn high!


SomeConstructionGuy t1_iraqjb4 wrote

…. What?


showmeyourbrisket t1_irazpsw wrote

They mention that 0.1 mM of fluoride kills Streptococcus cells in water. Assuming that 0.3 milligrams of fluoride per liter is above 0.1 mM, I don't see how what he mentioned is relevant.

Did the water test bad? If not, it seems that 0.3 milligrams per liter is sufficient.


SomeConstructionGuy t1_irb78fw wrote

My mistake, I read test as taste!

But you’re still missing the point. The real issue is that one dude went a town adopted policy. He then controlled the flow of info and flat out lied to cover up what he was doing.

I’m not convinced fluoride is necessary or even overall beneficial, but Kendal chamberlain need to be fired. Anything short of termination is unacceptable and sets the wrong precedent for other town employees to follow.


gmgvt t1_irf0clr wrote

This. People in Richmond assumed a thing was happening because it was the responsibility of a guy whose salary they pay. Their kids' dentists would have made treatment decisions based on this thing that was not actually happening because this guy made a secret decision by himself.


SomeConstructionGuy t1_irf3k1b wrote

Spot on. We can all fight over the benefits of fluoridated water. But that’s not the issue. There should be no debate on weather an town employee will do their job and follow policy adopted by the town after a process.


Jessica_T t1_ir7c3se wrote

"They're after our precious bodily fluids, Mandrake!


thebimmerbabe t1_ir9ldkk wrote

I recently learned that the town of Stowe's municipal water doesn't have any flouride in it. I'd imagine that this is published by the town somewhere, but every person I know in Stowe that has municipal water is shocked to hear this.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_irb1vdh wrote

This is an odd comment to me. Lived on Stowe many years and partied there many more and almost all of us knew it was not. The water sucks but that's the chlorine taste. Most Vermont towns do not fluoridate their water at all and but for a few small cases it's mainly the much larger ones that do.


thebimmerbabe t1_irb44i4 wrote

Yeah, I'm a Realtor and former Stowe resident; I'm not sure why it's an odd comment. I'm sure you're aware that the demographic has changed drastically since the pandemic, but even before that, the topic never came up in my casual conversations. Do you frequently discuss municipal water fluoridation while partying?


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_irb6jla wrote

A realtor you say? I call BS on that one for sure. First nothing in Stowe has changed it has been and always will be a playground for the rich with overpriced homes and a servant class that stews below the surface most of whom can't even afford to live in town. A realtor would have known this period. Nor would a real realtor have only recently learned this about the water fuck you even say you lived there. So just what demographic change are you rambling about?? Also calling BS that it never comes up Stowe has been redoing the water lines for fucking ever and it has tasted like shit forever as well. And I never said I talk about it while partying that's just more BS you put in there. Although I am sure the topic has come up especially when it's 3:30 and there is a ten foot deep hole in front of your house where they are working on the water lines. Have a nice day and here's a freebee don't fuck with someone when you clearly have no clue what you are talking about.

Edit: Demographic change in Stowe. This is so really really stupid like just who is the change it certainly ain't lower income folks so just what more outa staters moving in like they have been for 40 years. What a retarded statement even for reddit.


zkentvt t1_iraj6oc wrote

"I'm from Vermont! I do what I want!" -- that guy, probably


OrentSherrika4024 t1_ir8hh33 wrote

At some point you have to think reducing fluoride might by extension curb the obesity epidemic. Sore or less teeth equals less calories injested?


zkentvt t1_iraiz22 wrote

Nah. You don't need teeth to eat a lot of junk foods.


Trajikbpm t1_ir7cq9m wrote

And their pineal glands rejoiced


utilitarian_wanderer t1_ir7rcjv wrote

Fluoride is not really good for you so I'm not sure why people are so angry about an employee lowering the level in their water.


SomeConstructionGuy t1_ir7wcfo wrote

Because he did it unilaterally with absolutely 0 input from anyone else. And then tried to cover his tracks by lying to the town manager about water test results.


Distinguished_Parrot t1_ir8538c wrote

[citation needed]


Human802 t1_ir8f5k4 wrote

These studies are of areas with naturally high levels of fluorides in the water tables. This is very different from controlled public water systems with added fluoride as the levels are controlled and consistent. As the studies you provide state, fluoride is an vital mineral in the body and important part of modern dental health, but like any mineral it can have toxic effects with over exposure.