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cpujockey t1_irbtdq3 wrote

fission isn't required for a reactor. literally the radiation of the element is what boils the water. the fuel rod isn't energized or doing any science fiction - they just put the mother fucker in there.

fission is what happens when nuclear bombs are dropped - that is the reaction of splitting an atom.

ffs - if mr. gunderson was here he could school your ass in this.


elefantsblue t1_irbuac3 wrote

According to the US Energy Administration and I quote, “All nuclear power plants use fission.” Lol


cpujockey t1_irbvae7 wrote

admittedly - I had fission confused for fusion. you are correct. i cannot brain today.


elefantsblue t1_irbvfxg wrote

Nope. Fusion is what the sun does. Bombs are still fission.


cpujockey t1_irbviyw wrote

correct. and I need sleep or more coffee. cant decided yet.


elefantsblue t1_irbw667 wrote

I like to drink a bunch of coffee and then go to sleep to make up extra refreshed. Good luck!