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Blueheartt t1_iu9qopd wrote

I love how angry vermonters get over Republicans haha. So much anger, the dark side is strong with you


Jerry_Williams69 t1_iu9zpsp wrote


Most Vermonters don't mind sane Republicans. That's why Phil Scott is our governor and Malloy is lining up to be blown out.


Little_Art8272 t1_iuahelt wrote

I like Trumpster better... It rhymes with dumpster 😂😂😂


VoyageursWitch t1_iub34td wrote

Insurectionists are terrorists and should be sent to Guantanamo.


DeliriousBlues t1_iubjtq3 wrote

Must be from out of state and currently out of touch with reality. Normal local Republicans are fine. The current batshit crazy national Republicans are a menace.