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SorryYouOK t1_iuc5knb wrote

It's just like this in Rutland City. Ugh.


zapbrannigan13 t1_iucluuh wrote

Oooh a Rutland post, can we talk about the weeks guy doing honk and waves fucking ten thousand times a week?????? God i can’t stand that guy


Dadfart802 t1_iudamaz wrote

Can we talk about his float in the damn Halloween parade last night? There were too many political floats on both sides, but his stupid signs are everywhere. Furthermore, I've only seen one Malloy sign on anyone's lawn (my MAGA neighbor) signs are plastered everywhere they shouldn't be like city property and you just know that they'll still be up after election day.


zapbrannigan13 t1_iudazlm wrote

Ugh yeah we missed the parade but that sounds terrible. There does seem to always be a bunch of political floats or politicians walking on it, super weird. He lives on that corner on west street apparently and always puts up random platitude signs like economic growth…… sick dude, can’t wait to never see him again


Dadfart802 t1_iudi3v0 wrote

Parade was low energy, but to be fair, it’s the first parade in a couple years. Not a lot of music and the Rec are a bunch of buzzkills not allowing people to hand out candy. And I tripped over a guy nodding off on heroin, but who am I to judge.


zapbrannigan13 t1_iudinxp wrote

Haha classic. We would have gone but a bit late with an 18 month old, it is usually fun though. They weren’t allowed to give candy??? Lame


Twombls t1_iuegiua wrote

His 4th of July one had pepes printed on the side and some spanish facist flags


Dadfart802 t1_iuez966 wrote

And they denied it too. If you’re going to be racist, own that shit.