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Twombls t1_iuehgju wrote

Copied from another thread. U/ok_reference_9222 wrote this

If they break any of these rules you can rip them out

Signs may not be located within state highway rights-of-way or attached to a state or town sign, post or guardrail. Most highway rights-of-way in Vermont are at least three rods, or 49.5 feet. This means that signs must be placed at least 24.75 feet away from the centerline of most highways.

Signs should be removed immediately after the election.

Signs may not be attached to trees.

Signs may not interfere with, imitate, or resemble any official traffic control sign, signal, or device; or appear to attempt to direct the movement of traffic.

Signs may not be located in a way that prevents drivers from having a clear and unobstructed view of official traffic control signs and approaching or merging traffic.

Signs may not be positioned so that they are readable primarily from a limited access facility (which includes the interstates and ramps and some other highways—such as US 7 between Bennington and Dorset).

Signs must be in good repair and securely affixed to a substantial structure.

AOT routinely removes signs in violation. They take them to the nearest AOT garage where campaigns can retrieve them