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vtddy t1_iubmymf wrote

And do you think they will be picked up after the election? Nope. They should be fined for littering


Smirkly t1_iubo61n wrote

Okay, I live in NH but am staring to get the deploy Malloy thing. but really, which is worse, Malloy in Vermont or Don Bolduc in NH. I could vote Republican, but not for these assholes.


ryan10e t1_iuboi54 wrote

Where did he find someone with zero graphic design ability to create this?


casewood123 t1_iubp0q1 wrote

There’s an over abundance of them around the Burlington area as well.


Map42892 t1_iubq8di wrote

Why does he think using garbage bags for signs is effective? Is it just cheaper or something


random_vermonter t1_iubqqve wrote

I’m all for charging campaigns to clean up their trash. It is litter and honestly should be banned.


Ok_Reference_9222 t1_iubqwmu wrote

I saw a comment in another thread. It said to take note how infrequently these Malloy signs are in a yard of a home vs in public spaces like highway right of ways. Since I read that I’ve noticed it is true. I’ve seen one exception in my town, that one crazy family that’s full on the red hat, stolen election, train. They have about 10 in their yard.


fluffy01 t1_iubrr3g wrote

We’ve been losing it over these signs. When they first started out we knew exactly what type of candidate it was for.

Great call out by someone noting none of them are in yards , but always at intersections and roads.


Phantereal t1_iubrrs5 wrote

What's their campaign budget like to be able to put up thousands of these all over the state?


ineedabuttrub t1_iubsexc wrote

Deploy, as in send overseas, potentially into combat?


Ok_Reference_9222 t1_iubsyih wrote

Disagree. Many of our politicians were born elsewhere. Most lived and worked in Vermont fore years prior to running for office. This dude has been in VT for less than two years and his first run for office is US Senate. Reminds me of Jack McMullen who moved here from Mass specifically to run for Senate. Our own version of Dr Oz.


greenmtnfiddler t1_iubuzsr wrote

That...beak thing.

If you took a black sharpie and added a few more lines inside, then colored the whole thing pink, wouldn't it look an awful lot like, well,

a vulva?

With a couple of thigh creases and a pair of labia piercings?

Does anyone else see it, or is it just me?


QuicheSmash t1_iuc2kus wrote

I pulled a few today. Idgaf anymore.


PillowTalkGrrl t1_iuc2wrp wrote

I participated in this year's Halloween parade down in Rutland. Who shakes my hand during line-up? Malloy. I'm glad I had hand sanitizer in the car. Ewwwww.


SorryYouOK t1_iuc5knb wrote

It's just like this in Rutland City. Ugh.


captainsofia t1_iuccjwj wrote

Been seeing them all over Bennington too. So many.


immutable_truth t1_iucd85x wrote

People in this sub are so embarrassing. Ya the guy’s a fucking idiot, but he’s an irrelevant idiot. You’re all so triggered by his dumb signs, seething in all these threads. It’s the same shit with people making a big deal about “let’s go brandon.” Sometimes it’s better to laugh things off and ignore them than let them send you into a nerd rage. Progressives need to learn some chill.


KrazyKaizr t1_iucdq9a wrote

They should be illegal, I don't care how important your message is, that's just littering. There are a lot of "we NEED a high school, vote yes" signs around burlington and I 1000% with that message. I still think these signs are littering.

Not to mention a bunch of the Malloy signs were "deployed" in really menacing circles around the Peter Welch signs, which is honestly just disgusting, I cannot believe adult human beings behave that way.


td241 t1_iucf06d wrote

Hey, no logical questions, please. And don’t even think about mentioning that there are plenty of other campaign signs from various candidates all over the state right now.


sirDrunx t1_iucnswa wrote

I wasn't sure about him after watching debates, but now seeing those signs he's got my vote!


grnmtnboy0 t1_iucqhmy wrote

Not just Progressives, everyone needs to chill. I do agree abotut he eyesore that all these signs create and campaigns should be responsible for cleaning up the mess afterward. On the other hand, the signs do make excellent target holders at the rifle range (I'm not advocating shooting people)


raincntry t1_iucu4uz wrote

The most annoying part is that they are essentially plastic bags that will be left all over the place once he loses. We'll be stuck will Malloy deployed all over the roadside and gutters in Vermont for years.


Jsr1 t1_iucuxu3 wrote

Insurrectionist carpet bagger, Brannon loving dirt bag loser!


Ok_Reference_9222 t1_iucyv4x wrote

I didn’t make any reference to “real Vermonter.”

But, if someone comes to Vermont for school (Bernie, Kesha, Howard Dean) and stays because they love the place. And runs for office, more power to them. And note that generally these people run for small local office well before any statewide race.

I personally know a woman that moved here from Michigan about 20 years ago for work. Almost from year one she volunteered for all kinds of stuff in town. About 10 years ago she ran for school board. Now running for state Rep. that’s fine.

But McMullen moved here from Mass for no other reason than because there was an open senate seat, oh and he was a multimillionaire so he thought he could buy the seat. I’m sure you know all of this but if not, look up his debate where farmer Fred Tuttle asked him to say the names of numerous Vermont towns.

Now Malloy, yes I’m aware he did not move to VT just to run for senate. But please do tell me how much you think he knows about VT, to justify representing us in the US senate.


Guaranteed-Return t1_iud2ni6 wrote

My life is so devoid of substance that a plastic sign dominates my daily existence.


fjwjr t1_iud3cjx wrote

I’m not going to tell you anything about this Malloy guy. I don’t know a thing about him. Haven’t seen an ad or gotten junk mail. Just the signs. I just think it’s interesting to hear people’s take on what a Vermonter is.

I moved here for work 33 years ago and, because I moved from NH there’s still people who consider me a transplant. And because I was born in Maryland, there’s still people who consider me a flatlander.


Ok_Reference_9222 t1_iud5r09 wrote

Cool - I'm not one of those people. I was born here and met my wife in Maryland (Army Brat, graduated HS in Aberdeen). She was born in PA. We returned to VT about 30 years ago. My father's family came here from CT. my mother's family has roots in VT that go way back.

We are all Vermonters as we chose to live in VT.


artful_todger_502 t1_iud6h9k wrote

They don't allow billboards in VT, but this is okay. Got it 👍


pikeminnow t1_iud96y5 wrote

nah, I'm with you there. I see it. when I first saw the sign at speed and didn't read the text, I thought it was a drawing of ovaries + uterus and figured it was about article 22. I still need a minute whenever I have to witness one of these cringe signs to unsee the eyevories.


jaredh_d2012 t1_iud9eit wrote

Scary Bird Man leaves more trash on rural highways


lazylady64 t1_iuda5rb wrote

Saw some kid the other day park a Mercedes in breakdown lane on 189 and run down on ramp to place signs. Very easily could have caused an accident.


Dadfart802 t1_iudamaz wrote

Can we talk about his float in the damn Halloween parade last night? There were too many political floats on both sides, but his stupid signs are everywhere. Furthermore, I've only seen one Malloy sign on anyone's lawn (my MAGA neighbor) signs are plastered everywhere they shouldn't be like city property and you just know that they'll still be up after election day.


zapbrannigan13 t1_iudazlm wrote

Ugh yeah we missed the parade but that sounds terrible. There does seem to always be a bunch of political floats or politicians walking on it, super weird. He lives on that corner on west street apparently and always puts up random platitude signs like economic growth…… sick dude, can’t wait to never see him again


betcaro t1_iudbmes wrote

Seriously can people just remove them? I ask because I am tempted to do so but don’t want to break some law I don’t know about


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iudbwd1 wrote

You are letting this loser take up a lot of space in your head.


DennyHocking t1_iuddtqd wrote

I am so sick of seeing people complain about signs of people they don't agree with.

Just drive with your eyes closed, that should do the trick.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iudf772 wrote

Dude, Bernie started running for office 3 years after he moved to VT. So did Zuckerman. He was still in UVM his first run as a state rep.

You are lying to yourself.

Welch and Balint where here 6 years or less, before they ran for office. Malloy is 100% a carpetbagger but so are 1/2 of the politicians in VT that are currently in office. If you took some time to research them, even though you agree with them, you will see a trend of out of staters moving here and being elected to statewide office less then 10 years after they got here.


EmeraldMoose12 t1_iudg2gv wrote

Thank you for making sure we all see this political trash too.


Dadfart802 t1_iudi3v0 wrote

Parade was low energy, but to be fair, it’s the first parade in a couple years. Not a lot of music and the Rec are a bunch of buzzkills not allowing people to hand out candy. And I tripped over a guy nodding off on heroin, but who am I to judge.


WordAdministrative80 t1_iudkow2 wrote

It is hypocritical to complain about his and not all of the other signs. Molly Gray and Becca Ballint had just as many if not more before the primary. Just like I said on another thread, all political signs should be banned in Vermont, they are just as obnoxious as billboards, and we don’t allow those.


Glittering-Fall3956 t1_iudkpqd wrote

People put those on our private property and claimed taking them down was "censorship"


Jeddy803 t1_iudntme wrote

Grow a set libtards


suzi-r t1_iue1ila wrote

The signs are so ominous…a warning perhaps?


QuicheSmash t1_iue7alx wrote

I removed them from public roadsides in my neighborhood. People can cover their property in neo-fascist-looking political bullshit if that's what they feel the need to do, but when you plaster that crap all over my street, in my neighborhood, I pull them up.

These cancerous types of Republicans can keep throwing their money away on signs, and I'll keep throwing them out. If they can't devise any actual policy platform, besides the mass proliferation of garbage, illegal on public roadsides in Vermont, simply because we lack the manpower to enforce the law, that's their problem.


Twombls t1_iuehgju wrote

Copied from another thread. U/ok_reference_9222 wrote this

If they break any of these rules you can rip them out

Signs may not be located within state highway rights-of-way or attached to a state or town sign, post or guardrail. Most highway rights-of-way in Vermont are at least three rods, or 49.5 feet. This means that signs must be placed at least 24.75 feet away from the centerline of most highways.

Signs should be removed immediately after the election.

Signs may not be attached to trees.

Signs may not interfere with, imitate, or resemble any official traffic control sign, signal, or device; or appear to attempt to direct the movement of traffic.

Signs may not be located in a way that prevents drivers from having a clear and unobstructed view of official traffic control signs and approaching or merging traffic.

Signs may not be positioned so that they are readable primarily from a limited access facility (which includes the interstates and ramps and some other highways—such as US 7 between Bennington and Dorset).

Signs must be in good repair and securely affixed to a substantial structure.

AOT routinely removes signs in violation. They take them to the nearest AOT garage where campaigns can retrieve them


poonslop1989 t1_iuewdu6 wrote

Triggered Vermonters. Come people, ya better than this


ninjazSi t1_iuey3t2 wrote

When I first saw this sign- having no idea who the person was (I don’t live in VT) I said ‘hmmm awful graphics, vague military references that conjure up actions of martial law and oddly pooping, way to tell me you are a Republican, without actually telling me you are a Republican!’

It might say it in the small print but the sign is so unpleasant, I can’t bring myself to stare closer.

I’m really confused are they trying to scare people into voting with their creepy awful art?


SeaBear427 t1_iuf95t9 wrote

Just pick them up and burn them.


ders_bugboy t1_iufwq1v wrote

Opinions on this guy aside: what is/are the rule(s) regarding posting these sort of signs? Is there a limit on how many you can stake? Where can and can't you stake them?