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fallsstandard t1_it0r72x wrote

I got one and googled it. It’s a 7th Day Adventist book from the 19th century about how screwed America is as the Vatican extends it’s influence.


[deleted] t1_it1vohi wrote

Ellen white wrote a lot of this shit when she founded 7DA. I dated a 7D for a while, it was a whole lot of no coffee or booze. Fun times.


Thecuriouscourtney t1_it277hm wrote

I’ve never even heard of a 7 day Adventist before. How odd. I didn’t know there were religions that were anti Vatican. I don’t know too much about religion in general, but a whole ass book in the mail seems extreme lol


MargaerySchrute t1_it2hacd wrote

Was 7DA the Waco crowd? I know they renamed themselves with ‘Adventist’ in the title. Just curious.


fallsstandard t1_it2jnz9 wrote

Waco was the Branch Davidians who were a doomsday branch of 7DA since like the 50’s. If I recall a podcast I listened to about them, 7DA did not consider them part of the church for quite some time.