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Scared_Cardiologist3 t1_it11hs8 wrote

Got one too, my cats love it


brainzilla420 OP t1_it1b0yy wrote

Hmm, my cats just want food and naps and seem completely indifferent to merging the US federal government with the papacy to achieve true enlightenment, but i guess cats are gonna cat.


CharZero t1_it2mve6 wrote

Not sure what Scared_Cardiologist meant, but I have a cat who loves to chew paper and cardboard, and would definitely enjoy biting this book.


brainzilla420 OP t1_it2tk97 wrote

Pretty sure scared_cardiologist meant that their cats read the book and are now debating its finer points. Never heard of a cat that likes to tear up paper. Maybe you're thinking of a small child instead?


Worf_In_A_Party_Hat t1_it2bugz wrote

Oh, how I hope to receive one to see if my cat will show any interest. Oh, how many sweet, worthless upvotes I'd get if I could actually get her to read it aloud.


Scared_Cardiologist3 t1_it2kpbg wrote

Let's hope one day your cat can become an intellectual


Worf_In_A_Party_Hat t1_it2wq7j wrote

Every day, when I catch her just sitting there staring at me and judging me, I spend at LEAST a minute telling her it's ok - if you can talk, I won't tell anyone.

"I know you can talk. Just do it. I'll give you some catnip! Or, if you don't, maybe your food rations will be cut in half. Your choice, Boo."

As of yet, no luck.