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Distinguished_Parrot t1_irjh0nt wrote

I'd rather have a safety inspection to make sure YOUR car isn't going to take mine out if a part fails.

I've driven through enough states without inspections that had cars with no business on the roads broken down or on fire on the side of the road


bobsizzle t1_irl2ysg wrote

I've lived in States that didn't have inspections. Never once had an issue. 10 years of used cars and beaters and never once saw or heard of someone's POS causing any other person an issue. Worse I ever saw was a car die at a light that would get pushed off the road.


pooticlesparkle t1_irkfmpm wrote

My car caught on fire exactly 1 month after a vermont state inspection on the highway. I had just dumped 1000 into brakes and rotors because those failed. I had done all of the recommended maintenance and always had some emergency to keep it on the road. Bought a new car last may and already need new rotors as mine are 'rusty'.