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showmeyourbrisket t1_irksdvf wrote

Is it posted?


vtddy t1_irkv1eo wrote

It is posted but owners are very good if you ask permission to be on the property.


[deleted] t1_irkt1ov wrote

Does not look like it so that means those tourists were doing nothing wrong


802islander t1_irlb0fm wrote

Found the trespassing flatlander


[deleted] t1_irlb7ps wrote

Where is your house I am going to buy it I am a banker from Boston


MargaerySchrute t1_irminjc wrote

If you’re a banker in Boston, then why even post or comment in a Vermont sub? Come on


[deleted] t1_irmjo8d wrote

What if I told you I wasn’t a banker from Boston


MargaerySchrute t1_irmkb58 wrote

I wouldn’t give two shits either way. But your negging and attitude on this post is just piss poor.


[deleted] t1_irmllob wrote

Please stop with the cussing


tittytam t1_irmj31y wrote

Funny I see a joke but it's also true. Massholes have been taking over the houses on my street and a couple now are air neutral neighbors is odd..


cpujockey t1_irm8wq4 wrote

We don't like your kind around here.

Go back to your banker life in the big city.

Give yer balls a tug