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KawasakiBinja t1_irndk41 wrote

Having lived in this state for nearly 40 years I have to call bullshit. Out of staters typically do NOT know how to deal with the roads, weather, or wildlife. I've driven all over the country and Vermont has some of the more twisty, winding roads ever. Come ski season they become hazardous unless you know the limits of your car and conditions. And I'm not even talking about the cultural aspects of Flatlander-ness.


Glittering-Fall3956 t1_irnikjv wrote

I don't even think we can call anyone flatlanders, ye we have beautiful mountains and some pretty damn scary roads for every day commuters, buuuut there are people in Cali or Colorado that have bigger mountains than we do, the ski mountain my dad raced at when he was a kid was almost twice the size of the sugarbush peak