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SlytherinTargaryen OP t1_irmymuj wrote

I’m living in the Chittenden area! Major issues with college kids who are still new to driving and come from states where you need to shove your way onto the highway.I know VT drivers aren’t perfect, and a lot of people looove to blast their way down backroads where we know there aren’t any speed traps. But I wrote the post mainly because I’ve been seeing a few plates get confused when traffic stops and pulls over for emergency vehicles. Some places do the same; some don’t.

The Burlington area suuuuuucks for driving across the board. But there are still some sleepy towns that are a lot calmer overall.


Kitchen_Nail_6779 t1_irn6kjd wrote

>The Burlington area suuuuuucks for driving across the board.


It really doesn’t


VioletMcBitchin t1_irmz1eb wrote

I'm in the NEK, small town, and its HORRIBLE haha. My road rage has been building up so much here! One of these days I will have insurance and a dash cam, then it's over for those idiots!