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QualityRescue t1_irnq5jt wrote

Every state bordering us hates how we drive and if you venture out of state into a big city with green plates you will automatically be labelled as a traffic hazard.

Let that sink in before becoming preachy about 'everyone else' being bad drivers.


Americ-anfootball t1_irp3u0x wrote

100%, the reputation of Vermont drivers that I've heard around Western Mass and CT is that Vermonters love going at least 10 under on 91, and are oblivious and unassertive, often to the point of creating a hazard

Literally every state likes to stereotype their neighbors and claim that they're the shittiest drivers and have no common sense. They're all correct, though, because people in general are more inattentive and unsafe behind the wheel than we're willing to admit, it just has nothing to do with your state lol