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KITTYONFYRE t1_iui5b1o wrote

Reply to comment by BrendanTFirefly in Accurate by seanner_vt2

Right. Exactly. Those undeveloped areas are what I'm saying should have nil development. I think that would happen organically anyway - nobody is gonna build a gigantic housing project in the middle of nowhere, and act 250 should take care of that already - but definitely less outward spreading the better.


Distinguished_Parrot t1_iuip1z3 wrote

That same Act 250 that Scott vowed to destroy before becoming governor? The same one he attempted to take control over? Without those protections, smart development in the state will mean nothing while we see single-family houses and businesses everywhere.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iuj82us wrote

A few people have tried. Locals did not like their politics or god or something and act 250 was weaponized to prevent it from happening.