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MarketplaceMallBTV t1_iro672x wrote

Acting like “real Vermonters” also don’t wear stereotypical clothing and go apple picking. 90% of the cars at Hacketts had Vermont plates today lol


thisoneisnotasbad t1_irpg63t wrote

I picked a lot of apples with my dad growing up here. Most were from wild orchards and used to make jelly or cider. He was always in his flannel and rubber boots. He died a.while back. I would give everything I have to spend another fall afternoon picking apples with him. I miss you dad.


RandolphCarter15 t1_irqu3fw wrote

Yep. I know I'll have to deal with tourists but I live in Vermont and want to enjoy fall too


NobleAda t1_irqwak4 wrote

My husband’s car was one of those.