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JimTheJerseyGuy t1_ituljrq wrote

I’m in NJ and we have a similar spot here, though nothing like the notch. What should be a quiet country lane that leads to a narrow, single-lane, wood-decked bridge rated for 5 tons.

The local municipality has gone so far as to post the road as a “No Outlet” because trucks and buses keep on trying to take the road as a short cut and come down a narrow winding road to find a bridge they can’t cross and a road that it’s nearly impossible to back up on.

EDIT: The spot in question, if anyone's curious.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_itum5j3 wrote

Right, I think that stuff just adds to it.

The town posted a no outlet sign there to deter traffic but it’s very obvious from looking at a map, there is a clear outlet. If they lie about that, why should I believe their weight limit signs.


JimTheJerseyGuy t1_ituqzkn wrote

I like the idea of something like banger bars/chains hanging over the roadway. I suggested a chicane to my local road works but there’s no room for the here. You could probably do it easily for the notch though. A chicane on each side to get them stuck in a place that they can be removed from easily as opposed to all the way up the road.

Edit: I was thinking about the chains/bars for my own local issue, not for the notch. I still think a really tight, extreme chicane on both sides could work nicely to prevent this. It wouldn’t take up much space and wouldn’t do anything to normal traffic flow other than cause a brief slow down, which is how I’ve seen them used elsewhere - as traffic calming devices.


JerryKook t1_itvhdug wrote

Not all tall vehicles are long. Not all tractor trailers are tall.


landodk t1_itvqj7i wrote

Height isn’t an issue tho


JerryKook t1_itzq0wm wrote

I was refering to JimTheJerseyGuy's suggestion

>I like the idea of something like banger bars/chains hanging over the roadway.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iturd89 wrote

I agree 100%. The notch solution is pretty easy to implement, not sure why they haven’t don’t it yet.


VWSpeedRacer t1_itx8k8h wrote

I thought about this but regular box trucks can go through there all day long without a problem. Why majorly inconvenience them because of a handful of idiots? Instead just keep adding zeros to that fine. If it makes my taxes go down I can drive around a couple extra times a year. It's closed all winter anyhow.