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jonnyredshorts t1_iue3u2r wrote

It’s a fascist move. You can spoilt hairs and move goalposts all you want, that won’t change the fact that trying to silence any or all political speech is fascist. The degree to how extensive those attempts to silence are determine the level of fascism.

Silencing ONE candidate is fascist, and silencing ALL candidates is fascist. It’s only a matter of degrees, but the action of silencing a candidate, any candidate or all candidates is fascist.


ArkeryStarkery t1_iue82rb wrote

... buddy...

do you really think nazis should get to march in the streets because silencing them would be fascist?


jonnyredshorts t1_iue8e5e wrote

In the US, Nazis (and others with abhorrent views) have the right to march. If you don’t like that, you don’t like our constitution. That’s how democracy works.


ArkeryStarkery t1_iue8vjk wrote

THat's not what I asked! I know perfectly well what the laws are. I'm asking if you think it's fascist to stop them.

The questions of "is the USA fascist" and "does our constitution enable fascists" are totally different areas. Don't hide behind the law when you don't want to say your opinion.


jonnyredshorts t1_iue99aq wrote

I’ve made it very clear that I believe it is fascist to remove, steal or destroy political signs. You want to protest a Nazi? Show up where they speak, and show up to vote.


ArkeryStarkery t1_iue9u3l wrote

Yep, I think you've shifted from "this is a fact in the dictionary" to "this is my belief" very neatly. Much harder to debate that way! Good job.

I don't actually want to protest the Nazis in-person, because, you see, I want to live. But taking down their signs and doing other indirect protest is fascist, right? It's only non-fascist if I show up to get shot.


jonnyredshorts t1_iuebslt wrote

Nothing I’ve said contradicts the definition of fascism you cited. If you think it does, kindly point out the contradiction.


ArkeryStarkery t1_iuf8iau wrote

Why should I? You haven't answered a single question of mine in good faith.


jonnyredshorts t1_iufck8f wrote

Ok troll. I’m done with you. I hope you someday mature to the point where you can admit you’re wrong. Good luck!