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Outrageous-Outside61 t1_is0but9 wrote

Why start a fight. Vote how you want and let them do the same. I hate political signs with a passion but I wouldn’t go starting an argument over it


ramsgrl909 OP t1_is0gqgl wrote

Don't want a fight, just want to stay neutral. I moved from MA where people would yell and scream at each other over a sign in their yard


Outrageous-Outside61 t1_is0ihah wrote

Sounds like you’re trying to turn VT into MA. If you wanted to argue with your neighbor over politics and signs you should have stayed there.


yerkah t1_is4cipf wrote

OP isn't trying to start a political fight, did you not read this post or comments? Or are you just projecting because OP is from out-of-state, and you clearly have a negative bias about that fact? Political signs are just a hideous eyesore, party or politician aside.