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whaletacochamp t1_iujez6g wrote

My firewood guy told me that with the prices of fuel going up the prices of wood are also going up - you have to remember that everything used to create firewood uses fuel (chainsaw, firewood processor, skidder, excavator, log truck, etc...). His prices went up $100/cord to $300/green $350/seasoned delivered within 15miles of Georgia. Pretty good deal.

The bigger thing is finding someone reliable. I only bought wood this year because I have a 4mo old who makes the time consuming task of firewood processing next to impossible. The first year we burned wood I got absolutely hosed on firewood - ordered a cord from a local guy who was recommended on facebook. He delivered a pile of wood that was completely ice encrusted. By the time I finished stacking the barely split wood (HUGE chunks needing to be split another time or two), it was only half a cord with the other half being random pieces of shitty kindling and ice chunks. We literally had to thaw wood in our basement for 3-4 days before we could burn it, and then it wasn't even worth burning because it wasn't even remotely seasoned. The icing on the cake was the fact that about half of the wood had been dragged through manure so it smelled like shit and was covered in...well...shit.

It's getting a bit late for seasoned wood. You may get lucky and find someone who really does this a lot and has a lot of seasoned wood on hand but in general "seasoned" to most firewood guys means "i split this a month ago"


1DollarOr1Million OP t1_iujizbe wrote

Im looking to sell a bunch of extremely seasoned wood, not buy. Thanks for the reply tho.


Cabin_Sandwich t1_iujg7mo wrote

yeah you hit the nail on the head. my first two cords of "seasoned" wood were 26%, so I had to buy another two and those are 20%. i really don't think people should expect to burn wood they bought this year, even if thier guy called it "seasoned". live and learn i guess


whaletacochamp t1_iujhwkt wrote

Definitely not. I have a neighbor who buys all his wood and he will buy seasoned BUT he buys it in like April so it still has at least 6mo to season before burning.

I just bought two cords of seasoned for NEXT winter assuming it would be wet af. Tested a bunch late one night and they all tested 17-19% which generally means they are 25% on the inside. Was pleasantly surprised when I split them and found the inside to be just as dry.