Submitted by whaletacochamp t3_y38s4n in vermont

Maybe it just correlates with foliage season but every post here seems to be someone from out of state showing us something that’s…well…routine for us. Like “guess the road!” When it’s probably THE most popular foliage road. Or “hope you got your leaf peeping done!” When presumably most people here are from VT and don’t really officially partake in peeping.

I don’t particularly care but I’m curious since it seems like other state subreddits are mostly all people from that state.



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pro_conser333 t1_is7aqy9 wrote

I’m not an out of stater and I have been doing a lot of leaf peeping this season. The colors are so vibrant this year that I can’t help but take a few pictures.


rockpharmer t1_is7cjva wrote

Can’t say there’s anything wrong with appreciating the beauty of where you live wherever that happens to be!


Trajikbpm t1_is7dweh wrote

Most of us who have been posting live here. OP just wants to continue the drama.


pro_conser333 t1_is9hw1o wrote

I thought the same thing. I’ve only seen a couple of out of staters post on here.


whaletacochamp OP t1_is7ha3n wrote

Dude, are you going to respond to every comment claiming that I’m starting drama? Seriously, you’re making WAY more drama than me.


AtariHeavy26 t1_is7iqh2 wrote

Why does it matter? I’d love to one day visit Vermont no different than you wanting to visit somewhere else.


whaletacochamp OP t1_is7n40v wrote

It doesn’t….


AtariHeavy26 t1_is7nhzg wrote

I’d love for you to visit KY some day. Lots of neat things to see.


whaletacochamp OP t1_is7qtjp wrote

I’d love to. Never been that way before. And I do love whiskey.


AtariHeavy26 t1_is7sn1b wrote

Come on out. Derby and bourbon are loads of fun. Why I say be a tourist.


maddkid53 t1_is7hh3g wrote

Same, I've lived in this state my entire life and spent a bunch of time peeping this year. There are reasons I continue to live here lol


trashtrucktoot t1_is7lnze wrote

Isn't the whole point of living in VT because of the killer fall weather and awesome maple trees ? By the way, I'm packing my bags so I can come visit this weekend. I plan toodle around at 31.5 MPH. Maybe shop around for an all cash buy on an investment property for Air BnB ( wink :-)


pro_conser333 t1_is9hqxf wrote

I could never leave New England, especially Vermont. It just has such a different vibe that I can’t find anywhere else.


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_is7fwjv wrote

I too have been very much enjoying peeping on some leaves and I am also a long time resident. What a wonderful time to be living in such a beautiful place, I am so grateful to be here amongst the colorful hills and valleys of Vermont! I like stopping to smell the roses too.


whaletacochamp OP t1_is7e22x wrote

Fair enough. I guess I just don’t see that as leaf peeping but instead just enjoying our home. Like you probably don’t come here looking for info on peeping because it’s just routine for you.


tm010101 t1_is84two wrote

I have no idea why I’m subscribed to this sub but I love the posts. Can you explain leaf peeping? Is it like birdwatching for different tree leaves?


Essarray t1_is89w3u wrote

Level of depth has room to vary, but I think for most it's just a basic meditative reminder to breath or something.


rockpharmer t1_is7cd5k wrote

Hi there Mr I’ll Make Assumptions About Random Reddit Posters! I made the weather update RE peeping earlier this afternoon half tongue-in-cheek. Live in Underhill. So stuff it in your leaf-clogged rain gutters.


whaletacochamp OP t1_is7edxl wrote

Luckily my roof is too steep and near level with the trees so very few leaves end up in there! Plenty if room for stuffing.


rockpharmer t1_is7ejsa wrote

Good to hear. Wish I was as lucky.


whaletacochamp OP t1_is7fjyd wrote

Well I don’t have a whole pharm full of rocks so you’ve got me beat there.

I’d say in more or a hobby rock pharmer.


Trajikbpm t1_is7dpaz wrote

I actually think the opposite and if you noticed a lot of the pics are from peoples houses/backyards.

But keep pushing the drama I know a handful of you love so much.


whaletacochamp OP t1_is7ennt wrote

Lol you’re the one pushing drama. I’m genuinely curious about the question I posed with no ulterior motive.


Soft-Philosopher8125 t1_is7iydn wrote

Whether from VT or not, there is a lot of negativity. I didn’t see anything wrong with your question. There are a lot of posts from out of state and that is just my observation, I do not really have an opinion about it other than it is always the same questions about housing. jobs, winter…..asked on repeat!


thereal_phalzum t1_is7s8ou wrote

I’d say it’s half out of staters and half posts like these. Keep it up guys.


larrydarryl t1_is83vm0 wrote

Like vermont, it's filled with out of town know it alls.


Potential-Ad-3073 t1_is7iyrm wrote

Agreed. You know on a different note I live in Bennington and this is the only time we really see big numbers of tourists, not sure why. The monument? It is beautiful here in the fall. I’ve come to the conclusion that yes they are sort of a pain, but I almost kind of appreciate what they appreciate? People that come here to ski are a different story to me but people checking out the foliage don’t bother me as much. I often wonder what it’s like to see this for the first time, I bet it’s amazing. I mean if I went to Florida I think I would be one of those people probably impeding traffic a little bit checking out a palm tree because I’ve never seen one. I’m starting to wonder if I’m outgrowing my dislike for tourists. However I really don’t like how they drive 2 feet from my bumper. Maybe that’s how they do it over there though, I’ve never really traveled. I’m way off topic from the post but I had to say something about it.


andrews301xrd t1_isa5mci wrote

VT lifer and even though I live in a very scenic area I usually 'play tourist' for one weekend every fall. My husband and our best friends, all natives, like to go on a long peeping ride. We usually get a big lunch and may also stop by an orchard, brewery, or country store. It's nice to indulge in the great things that we don't enjoy all the time whether it's a limited release brew, a chunk of cheddar right off the wheel, or going down that meandering road that you enjoy but don't have time for in your day to day routine. It's perfect timing to get out and be social before hunting season>holidays>winter hibernation, the leaves are a nice bonus.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_is7a95b wrote

Edit: I misinterpreted - my bad


whaletacochamp OP t1_is7dfup wrote

Dude chill. Where did I say I have a problem with it? I literally said in the post I don’t care. I’m just curious since it seems unique to our state sub. I don’t really think I’m gatekeeping anyone by asking this question and saying nothing about thinking that it should be residents only. But hey if that’s the buzzword you just had to use then go for it.

I don’t want a sub for residents only. I’m curious to see what the split of folks here is and that’s about it.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_is7e2ua wrote

My mistake. Sorry about that. Will edit. Thank you.

Maybe you want a survey set up?


whaletacochamp OP t1_is7f1dw wrote

I’m a tech idiot and didn’t even know that existed but, yes, that would have been more effective with less drama.


Trajikbpm t1_is7ecwd wrote

No you didn't. They know what they were doing.


trashtrucktoot t1_is7jri5 wrote

I'm out of state, I post here all the time. I already posted my peak leaf peep for the season. There are a lot of out of state posts because lots of people associate Vermont with fun. I find the drama amusing as long as it stays mostly friendly.


Essarray t1_is89nju wrote

Masshole here. Guilty. Sorry about that.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_isbmmr6 wrote

What does "out of stater" mean anymore in 2022 (also what happened to flatlander?)? Vermont is so overrun now, the cat is out of the bag.


whaletacochamp OP t1_isbr3ar wrote

In this context I meant someone who is not actively living in Vt currently. Which I think was pretty obvious.


DaddyBobMN t1_isfw0y8 wrote

This seems like a good place to point out again that more than half of Vermont residents surveyed (survey, not census) indicated they were from somewhere else originally.

It's my favorite "nobody believes it" topic related to Vermont.


whaletacochamp OP t1_isfw9e5 wrote

No, because when I say out of staters I specifically mean those who do not actively currently live in Vt


DaddyBobMN t1_isfwrpz wrote

If you've been around the sub long enough to develop your hypothesis you'll also notice that people living in Vermont but not from Vermont are often considered out of staters no matter how long they've lived here.


QualityRescue t1_isgg03w wrote

This sub is not exclusively the domain of residents only. It can be about anything Vermont related.


whaletacochamp OP t1_isgi799 wrote

Cool thanks I thought they checked all of our licenses before we subscribed.


[deleted] t1_is8sxyy wrote



whaletacochamp OP t1_is9sej8 wrote

Lol if you think west coast and Puerto Rico are “well traveled” I think maybe you’re the odd one. Seems like a classic NYC mentality - “you simpletons can’t even fathom the real world”

Also nowhere am I claiming it’s bad to be from out of state so….


Jerry_Williams69 t1_is8wufa wrote

The state would cease to function without transplants. 98% of Vermonters are awesome and don't care if you are a "flatlander". The rest troll this reddit sub.


Confused_Fangirl t1_is9g69l wrote

Nothing wrong, but Native Vermonters sometimes like to jokingly make digs at out of staters to boost their egos. If you don’t like it just ignore.
