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bobsizzle t1_isdpc5j wrote

Reply to comment by Whole-Structure11 in 20 Somethings Meetup by aej511

Well, considering discrimination includes age , discrimination fits well. And if you believe it's not okay to discriminate against someone for something they believe they are and wish to be treated as such, in transgender people, how can you discriminate against someone who feels a certain age and wishes to be treated as such? That's the logic. You have to accept everyone if you accept one. Or does that go too far for you? Not inviting someone based on age is discrimination. Just like firing someone based on age is.

But that's the point. I discriminate, apparently, when I won't date a chick with a dick. Nothing to do with politics. I'm not political or give a shit about anyone in a political office. I don't vote, campaign or otherwise care because it's all the same. I'm just pointing out the blatant Hypocrisy that exists on Reddit. All the fake pro trans people who pay lip service but when it comes to anything else even remotely the same, it's different. There are people who feel a different race on the inside. There are people who feel a different age on the inside. There are people who feel a different gender on the inside. Where do You draw the line? I'm personally fine with all of it. Be whoever you want as long as it doesn't hurt or anyone else.
