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Puretest t1_iseukup wrote

Cute pic. Just remember, outdoor cats in VT have a better than average chance of becoming no cats.


Otter-ific t1_isf0cll wrote

It really depends where you are. I grew up in a small town in VT - we always had outdoor cats (don’t come for me) and they lived very long lives (one to 18 years old)


eye-brows t1_isgv0ku wrote

I'll come for you. Gently, at least.

Outdoor cats are in danger of getting killed: coyotes, fisher cats, lynx, bobcats, birds of prey. And in more urban areas, they are at risk from cars, cats, and dogs.

They also kill native birds and rodents.


Russian_Rocket23 t1_ishnco8 wrote

I lived on a busy street growing up, and our cats lived long lives.......I moved to a less trafficked area when I got out of college and lost a 7 year old cat. That was 14 years ago and it still causes me guilt to this, I have 2 indoor cats, and a 3rd that goes outside for 5-10 minute supervised outdoor trips (he also went missing but came home after 13 days). Not judging you....just providing my experience.


dcarsonturner t1_isgs2nt wrote

please keep your cat indoors, we love our bird population here :)


artful_todger_502 t1_isevsyr wrote

Gorgeous! American Shorthair. Please see previous post through ... Outdoor cats will last as long as Cheetos in a room full of 'stoners.


Quirfg OP t1_isf5kzm wrote

She's not really an outdoor cat, she explores but really she explores the garden and rolls around on the dry dirt for a scratch, she's found a place next to the back wall where she can sun in peace. She's never been one for going a long way.


Calligraphee t1_isfdc5n wrote

Watch out for fishers, even in residential areas; a bunch of cats in my neighborhood are no more after run-ins with them in their own backyards.


1DollarOr1Million t1_isfflqx wrote

I grew up with a bunch of cats, all outdoor cats. They all lived long healthy lives. Yes there is added risk but if you are rural don’t listen to the echo chamber, but also accept the risks of not only animals but flees, ticks, etc. and make sure they are getting to a vet regularly and stay up on vaccines.


jonnyredshorts t1_isgf35y wrote

Keep her inside once it gets dark...use treats to train her to come inside.


danceintherain2 t1_isj16r2 wrote

She is gorgeous! I love the white markings on her snout.

I’m not sure how an innocent post entitles or warrants unsolicited advice but focus on the positive ones. You do you and enjoy your bonding. You have many great moments headed your way. The smiles will be endless.


eye-brows t1_it86yrb wrote

People moving here might not have any idea how much wildlife we have that's dangerous to cats and vice-versa.