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InformationHorder t1_iu6wf2c wrote

$34,000 to send everyone garbage they didn't ask for. How many hungry kids could be fed with that instead?


Jerry_Williams69 t1_iu6yabh wrote

You can buy a family of four a Thanksgiving dinner for like $1.50 through Forgotten Harvest. $34,000 could hypothetically give 22,666 families a good Thanksgiving.


InformationHorder t1_iuaucf5 wrote

And would actually further the cause of their spiritually in a positive way in accordance with their religion.


Whompa t1_iu8qz7s wrote

What’s better nutrition, actual food or knowing about THE GREAT CONTROVERSY?


cpujockey t1_iuays66 wrote

Yeah they're supposed to be a church, they could have used that money to actually do things that Jesus did and asked us to do. Instead, these clowns waste paper and money trying to send their literature to the most non religious state in the Union. Good job. I think I hear a Jehovah witness knocking on my door...


[deleted] t1_iu6h2c0 wrote

I recycled the cross. Maybe someone at Casella will find eternal life.


Vermonter623 t1_iu6jx3c wrote

Organized religion needs suckers to fill their coffers. Just like political parties, they target people who aren’t deep thinkers and refuse to question anything they are told. It’s a successful recipe proven over time


Connect_Ingenuity419 t1_iu6tpms wrote

Terrible marketing... the people they target aren't the type to pick up reading just because they got a free book


Vermonter623 t1_iu7g7cj wrote

I agree. That’s why politicians use social media. No real critical thought required


bobsizzle t1_iu96ks0 wrote

There are many intelligent people who are also religious. I don't get it, but that's just me.


Vermonter623 t1_iu9e8ya wrote

Intelligence is a broad spectrum. I’ve met people who can explain in detail how mad cow disease works but couldn’t change a tire on his car.


immutable_truth t1_iu6ve0x wrote

Can’t help but think the money invested in this could have been spent in so many other ways…I guess I’m grateful they are idiots though


chivonster t1_iu777je wrote


How many are struggling to afford food and necessities? How many are scrambling to find the money for heat this winter?


SeaBear427 t1_iu72qa3 wrote

Free fire starter sheets.


KindaPretentious t1_iu7c8cu wrote

I don’t want to bash the Seventh Day Adventists, but I don’t get how the cost of postage is worth the small number of people these wild brochures will interest.


atheistsda t1_iud7nt3 wrote

Ex Seventh-Day Adventist here. I’ve never seen the church be particularly good at marketing. As long as I can remember, most of the few people we’d attract with our crazy long seminars would leave after a few months.

That said, my dad got into Adventism (and is still in it) because someone left one of these same books at a bus stop. He’s a fan of history and conspiracy books, and this book is a wild blend of the two.


Sensitive-Fly4874 t1_iuil5o4 wrote

As a former member of the SDA church, feel free to bash them. This book is plagiarized from multiple sources by a woman who suffered a traumatic brain injury, mistook her seizures as visions from god, and taught people to hate themselves in order to be worthy of God’s love.


darthgooey t1_iu6vp2f wrote

It’s pretty good in a fire.


Revolutionary-Lie198 t1_iu9tf83 wrote

I get a STRONG "Targeting the godless liberals of New England and trying to win them over to our way of thinking" vibe from this kind of stunt.

Even if we WERE all godless liberals, what's it to them?


cpujockey t1_iuayz3i wrote

Don't worry dude, Even some of this conservatives that have faith think that this is dog shit behavior too. This is a pretty classic move by these fucks, and it happens a lot more often than you would think.


ICU4UCI t1_iu7hhwz wrote

I got mine today!!

Finally some kindling...been a wet week.


55Sansar1998 t1_iu8oo3c wrote

Dodds said “I would imagine they get a fair amount of traction, that they sparked dialogue, and a lot of people are reading, I’m quite sure of it.”

Haha, what planet is this guy living on?!


Sensitive-Fly4874 t1_iue0kav wrote

I recently read the great controversy - all 678 pages of it - and wrote my own comments in the margins. To put it mildly, I hated the book. It’s a book full of hatred toward other groups and even hatred toward oneself. It’s full of the ideas that Christians are being persecuted, the Catholic Church is evil, one of the popes will eventually become the Antichrist.


pinko-perchik t1_iu77wcp wrote

Bizarre. My friend in Massachusetts recently received a similar mailing from a different company sent to the bank they work at.


5teerPike t1_iu9xhg8 wrote

Papier Mache material that's for sure


pikeminnow t1_iug7pk7 wrote

Almost, but not quite, soft enough to use as TP. truly the paper of the Tempter himself.


cgmidd t1_iu73f6e wrote

Woke propaganda


MattWolf96 t1_iue2zpb wrote

Exact opposite, it's made by Seventh-Day Adventists which are a very conservative Christian denomination. They are very anti-LGBT and very anti-women for example, they don't even want the women to be equal to a man in marriage.

The only "woke" thing about them is them pushing vegetarianism and veganism but you don't have to actually be one of those to be a member.

I was raised in the denomination, I'm now an atheist.