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Jmacaroni25 t1_iuglzrv wrote

Coyotes will literally leave a carcass completely stripped of flesh in just a few hours. If a larger pack was to find it, that would probably just be bone. Leads me to believe it was one or two coyotes not a whole pack. Coywolfs aren't real by the way. Just coyotes with a winter coat that looks a lot bigger than you would think.


RigatoniGibroni t1_iuhf7ix wrote

Coywolfs are a thing. I researched them extensively during my undergrad.


NobodySpecific t1_iuhmfea wrote

> Coywolfs aren't real by the way

Eastern Coyotes (which is what we have around here) have both coyote and wolf parentage. To me that makes them a coywolf. Do you have a different meaning of coywolf?


Jmacaroni25 t1_iui3c8n wrote

Thats still just a coyote. They dont howl like wolves. Wolves are 3 times larger than any of these. And there are no wolves in Vermont and haven't been since at least the early 1900's. 90% of the state was unforested sheep farming pasture. They wolves that may have been here before 1900 were either killed or migrated north to Canada. So that would be 100s of generations of offspring that may have at one point had grey wolf DNA. However if they still have any wolves DNA it's no different than your pet dog having wolfe DNA. And no that doesn't make your Boston terrier and Boston terriwolf


NobodySpecific t1_iui9flv wrote

No offense here, but I'm going to go with the experts on this one.

> In 2016, the IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group proposes the eastern coyote to be a separate species Canis oriens (Latin for "eastern canid") and with a common name of "coywolf" due to its morphologic and genetic distinctiveness.

I don't know your background, but I do know that these people know a lot more than I do, so I'm going to just go ahead and follow their lead.


jonnyredshorts t1_iuhln2a wrote

Eastern coyotes are a thing…the question is whether they are wolf/coyote hybrids or domestic dog and coyote hybrids…they’re out there, they are much larger than coyotes and smaller than wolves…I’ve seen examples with my own eyes.


Jmacaroni25 t1_iui4fk9 wrote

Yeah eastern coyote. It's a coyote. Coydog is kinda a wives tail slang word for big coyote. I've only hear older Vermont's refer to them as coydogs. Or people who don't realize they are just coyotes. They aren't huge either. Wicked fluffy but usually weigh 50lbs or less full grown. Coydogs, coyotes, tomato, Toma'to