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bobsizzle t1_iuv3yt6 wrote

It's still not free. You should call it government subsidized or government paid. But someone will still pay. Even if you pay less. Dog shit is bigger then mouse poop, but It's still shit. My healthcare actually costs almost twice as much as yours but I have no deductible and employer pays 80 percent. I'd rather get more of that back in my paychecks, but I like being able to see a doctor when I want. And I don't go often, but when I do, it's a doctor. Socialized healthcare is better if they can give more people healthcare but at a lower cost. But I don't think it'll cost less and because Americans are fat ass and unhealthy, wait times will go up. I don't think just copying European style healthcare is the best idea. But they need to control cost and make it affordable to all. which they can do. They can lower cost, set prices. Make healthcare not for profit and compete with pharmaceutical companies to make drugs if necessary. No shareholders, just money that goes back into public coffers.
