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you_give_me_coupon t1_iuz1yrq wrote

> Vote blue.

If the Dems were actually going to do anything about universal healthcare, this would be a good option. Instead, almost none of them mention it, even the "progressives" don't even want a vote on it, and the "most progressive president since FDR" said he'd veto Medicare for All even if it passed the house and senate.

Even the worst-case right-wing estimates from Koch-funded think tanks that hate universal healthcare estimate M4A would save $300 billion a year. My family would have saved ~$2500 a year under Bernie's M4A plan, just in premiums. My fucking deductible was 14k last year.

> No free healthcare until we vote out those that block it.

Hear, hear. Regular people can get this done if we band together and make politicians - of all parties, especially the dems - fear that we won't vote for them if they don't deliver things that benefit us in real, material terms, like universal healthcare.
