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you_give_me_coupon t1_iuz3i6y wrote

> The platforms are just so different

Red team and blue team differ on plenty of things, but are they really so far apart on healthcare? It's not like the Dems are working overtime to get universal healthcare done. (Biden said he'd veto it even if it passed the house and senate, lol.) During Obama's brief period with a supermajority, all we got was a blue-branded version of a Heritage Foundation policy paper, to the right of even the Clintons' limp-wristed effort in the 90s.

Meanwhile even right-wing opponents of universal healthcare at Koch-funded thinktanks have been saying for years that M4A would save $300 billion yearly. I suspect they're willing to be so out in the open about that instead of spreading FUD in the usual Republican style (see climate change) because they know there's no party willing to even try for M4A, despite the obvious material, economic benefits for regular people.