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somedudevt t1_iuz4yox wrote

So to be clear people who oppose:

Woman’s rights Civil rights Gender equality Economic equality Voting rights Gay rights Public education Healthcare as a right Keeping school kids safe Reigning in police brutality And support: Tax cuts for the rich War for economic gain Gerrymandering and disenfranchisement Religious freedom only if you are Christian Etc

Are good people?

I’m not saying that my way of thinking is the only right way, I’m saying that there is a baseline of decency, and currently one party isn’t meeting thst threshold. We can disagree on whether healthcare for all should be fully socialized or just a public option… but there isn’t an argument that stands for fully private.

We can disagree on what steps we take to reduce abortion levels whether it be family planning, or better sex education, but there is no argument that holds that a woman should die because a fetus is miscarrying and she can’t get medical help as a doctor cannot legally end the pregnancy safely.

We can disagree on election security whether it’s a free ID sent to every registered voter automatically, or vote by mail based code or whatever, but there is no argument to be made that we should limit who can vote, or that we should put up any barriers reduce polling places drop offs mail in etc that disadvantages certain voters.

We can disagree on whether the tax rate for Elon musk should be 90% or 70%, but there is no argument to be made that his tax rate should be lower than mine.