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Jo-Jo-66- t1_iuw7qa8 wrote

Over saturated. Beautiful spot but this doesn’t capture the beauty.


Twombls OP t1_iuw8amb wrote

Imo the variation in colors Willoughby has usually makes it very beautiful. During peak foliage its bright foliage at the bottom and dark green pines at the top. This guy pained over all of it.


geo_walker t1_iuw7j4r wrote

At first glance the photo looks like the vibrancy has been edited and saturation has been increased. This can be done in post processing or in real time using a polarizing filter on the camera. If you zoom in you can see the red leaves look weird and blotchy like the color has been painted in?? Like why ruin a nice image by doing that.


Twombls OP t1_iuw84qk wrote

Even The pine trees were painted orange.


E-Wildin t1_iuyz0on wrote

It’s for likes, they must have likes.


Hipster_Bumpus t1_iuwm68p wrote

I take it y’all have never seen the Insta account @kjp because oh boy talk about fake photos. Half the shit in his photos including props are just added in. I’m not from Vermont and I find it extremely annoying. It’s creating a false reality for people who have never been.


Twombls OP t1_iuwongj wrote

Lol at his massive pumpkins photoshopped everywhere.


Hipster_Bumpus t1_iuwt043 wrote

Exactly. Pumpkins, lanterns, fences, string-lights, etc. It's sooo fake. I get it's a talent to be able to make photos like this, but labeling yourself as a "photographer" and not a "graphic artist" is pretty bs and misleading.


[deleted] t1_iuwzs1o wrote

First name that came to mind. I loathe KJP, he is making a mockery of NE.


Elysia99 t1_iuxwafs wrote

I have a family member who thinks he’s an amazing photographer. He has a good eye for composition, but no experience with post processing so he just slathers on the various over-saturated filters on everything. And of course he constantly posts these abominations all over social media. 🙄


JustMakingChange t1_iv9exn7 wrote

omg I just checked out @kjp on instagram... he complete fucks pictures with tons of texture, clarity and vibrancy, doesn't correct any of the noise, and maximizes highlights, and makes terrible use of the dehazing.


Sn4tch t1_iuwq6kk wrote

I see this every damn fall, some leaf peeper flies his drone in Vermont and then processes the hell out of his photos in Lightroom. The instagrammers eat it the hell up and everyone thinks it's amazing. Meanwhile real professional photographers who take beautiful shots of the foliage get passed up for this hack BS. It sucks....

TL;DR This photo is massively oversaturated and looks like shit.


Twombls OP t1_iuwves7 wrote

Not even just oversaturated. Like willoughby foliage doesn't hit all at once like this. He straight up painted the foliage on the trees.


Sn4tch t1_iuwxg64 wrote

hahahaha holy shit I didn't even zoom in enough to see this. That's utterly insane.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_iv5ajtv wrote

>Like willoughby foliage

This. The great thing about the Willoughby gap area and especially the steep face of Pisgah is the variety of colors and the changes over time as the reds and oranges of the lower altitude maples give way to the bright yellows of the beech and birch trees at higher elevations mixed with the green of the pines. It's never at any point all orange.


AMC4x4 t1_iuxmoc6 wrote

I was just talking to someone who said he went to VT and was disappointed in the color. I sent him pics from a few weeks ago of some of the most amazing color I've seen in the state. It wasn't oversaturated. He's like, "yeah, I guess there are some nice colors in there, but I was expecting better." I was like WTF are you on about?

Now I know why he was disappointed. He's probably used to looking at "photos" like these.


Elysia99 t1_iuxwnvv wrote

OMG these people. They plan their leaf-peeping weekends and then they complain about the colors. Like, you DO know that the color depends on environmental factors beyond our control, riiight? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Twombls OP t1_iuxzxis wrote

We paint the leaves at night. They were understaffed this year. Next year we will paint them krylon orange like in this picture to make up for it.


GA19 t1_iuyuwzk wrote

Just wait until Vail paints Mt Mansfield white next week so they can open early.


Twombls OP t1_iuyvl93 wrote

Im on the task force for doing that. They are going to use an organic substance derived from seagulls.


Twombls OP t1_iuy0bql wrote

Its a pretty common phenomenon. Especially because even vibrant foliage will look like shit in cell phone photos. So a lot of people come here expecting to take beautiful fall photos. And get BROWN.


AMC4x4 t1_iuy791k wrote

I dunno. I thought my measly camera photos (S22 Ultra) showed the color pretty well. These are all "untouched," but I guess the Samsung algo might have done something:

Actually, the one with the pond was sharpened a little, but that's it.


Twombls OP t1_iuwdbfg wrote

Wow does complex have a ton of alt accounts on reddit or something. Really getting a lot of people here mad that I called out an obviously fake photo lol.


raptor3x t1_iuwt5f9 wrote

It's absolutely overly post-processed and looks dumb, but your claims that things are outright faked is just wrong and shows you have little understanding of photo post-processing.


Twombls OP t1_iuwtwky wrote

looks totally real to me. I like how even the long dead tree thats fallen in the water with no leaves is red.


raptor3x t1_iuwv4yk wrote

What you're seeing is a combination of color bleeding due to aggressive color noise reduction and a hue shift due to how the color saturation was exaggerated. In the raw image data you get a lot of colored speckling called chroma noise and the more you do to reduce this the more colors from adjacent objects will bleed into each other. This is especially apparent when dealing with tightly packed relatively colorful objects like foliage. Red hues from leaves from one tree will bleed into the bark of an adjacent tree or the water near the trees. The other issue is that when you see a bare tree that is "brown" it's not represented simply as brown in the data, but as a superposition of the color channels. When you exaggerate the oranges and reds in order to makes to leaves look better, you'll also distort other colors like browns and if you have areas that were already pretty intense they can end up getting blown out in one of the color channels. The sample you provided there certainly looks like it was done by someone in the "HDR hole" stage of photo post-processing but there's no signs of actual manipulation other than going nuts with saturation sliders.


seekingbeta t1_iuyzukp wrote

Actually, the post-processing tool he used is called a paintbrush. It’s used to apply colors on top of the image that aren’t naturally present. You can tell by looking at the lazy paintbrush strokes he used, like on the red tree in the water and on the bigger green patch at the bottom center of the frame - funny how only the top half of that green tree has a stroke of orange color and the bottom half doesn’t yet the whole tree is surrounded by orange leaves. I guess you’ll agree this is not the artifact of color bleeding or blown out colors.


raptor3x t1_iuz944r wrote

This thread is freaking hilarious. So many people who clearly have no clue what they're talking about being so damned confident. It's absolutely shitty post-processing, like I said it's reminiscent of the "HDR-hole", but there's nowhere the guy painted in color. If you had any experience with photo post-processing it would be painfully obvious what actually happened but please continue basking in your ignorance.


[deleted] t1_iuwdvsv wrote



Twombls OP t1_iuwesz0 wrote

Explain why the photo seems to be making evergreen trees go through foliage then.


Eagle_Arm t1_iuwf5bn wrote

Get your reasoning out of here! Conifers totally change color like that in the Fall.....


[deleted] t1_iuwixeb wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_iuwl3qu wrote

With the addition of all those orange pine trees! Haha. Is this your photo? Is that why you're so defensive about it?

Way more than 5 conifers as well. Are you just trying to troll at this point or do you seriously think this photo isn't heavily edited?


Twombls OP t1_iuwmrie wrote

Yeah like heres a picture I found on insta with a lot less coloring and filtering . Notice how there is wayyy more green in it. And all the vegetation on the cliffs is green.


Twombls OP t1_iuwjnjw wrote

Look at the comifers on the lake edge


thunder-cricket t1_iuwewt5 wrote

It's a stupid post. you're acting like the fucking picture with a little filtering is taken from the new Avatar movie. But, anyway, everyone who disagrees with you about it is getting downvoted to hell. So stop bitching and enjoy your dumb post's popularity. It found its way to my reddit homepage or I wouldn't have even noticed it.


Twombls OP t1_iuwfxja wrote

Yeah but im wondering what particularly about this is making people get so angery lol.

Lmaoooo ninja edit to make it look like I agree with you


thunder-cricket t1_iuwjy7l wrote

I disagree with your assessment of how fake the photo looks. I'm not angry about that. But now I'm angry at how self-righteous the people who agree with you are about it here, and I'm angry it's turned into another we hate tourists post. I'm also mildly annoyed now that I'm sucked into this stupid bullshit because this dumb ass post was so popular it found its way into my home page. But that last one is on me.

I don't know what you mean by 'ninja edit' to make it look like you agree with me. I know you don't agree with me and nothing about my post suggests you do.


MarketplaceMallBTV t1_iuwn5dn wrote

Bro is the filter fanatic. Bro is the saturation Sargent. Bro is the contrast commander. Take a breather and calm down.


PassyunkHoagie t1_iuwf37c wrote

Made my first trip to VT from Philly last month and stayed in the NE Kingdom. Beautiful state, great people. Got to see Lake Willoughby just past peak foliage and it was more stunning than this photo. The dark green and light gray created a much more appealing contrast than these technicolor leaves.

That being said, I can understand the urge to edit photos because they so often fall short of capturing the true beauty of the sights we see. Some things are meant to be seen and experienced in person.


Twombls OP t1_iuwghdu wrote

A good photographer can take amazing photos of foliage. And there are a bunch of them out there. I just find it sad that the only photos that actually seem to become popular on nationally big instagram circuits are obviously fake.


Elysia99 t1_iuxx1uo wrote

Being the product of Philly parents & fam, glad you enjoyed VT. It really is a slice of heaven, IMO. Hmmm. Now I want a hoagie, dammit!🤣


RandomHero565 t1_iuwvs8t wrote

People gonna come here and be confused that our state isn't fully red.


JaxBratt t1_iuww46h wrote

and then you have the dim witted lemmings who are influenced by such stupid virtual fantasy shit going on and on about how “obsessed” they are with a place some of us actually call home and grow quite tired of such nonsense when they do show up and expect a Disney world experience and act like all of our sole purpose here is to serve and accommodate them… and oh what a joy it is when they stay longer than a weekend


Hipster_Bumpus t1_iux2xlo wrote

To be fair, I had seen quite a few of these photos before finally visiting this past month, but I'm a realist. I knew these photos are just shopped for the likes and I cringe seeing it all. But HOLY SHIT is this state beautiful in Autumn. I have a weird crush for this state now (why I joined the sub). If I could handle hardcore winters and afford a house I would live here.


[deleted] t1_iuwznl2 wrote

I'm so sick of these. Why can't we enjoy the real beauty of NE? Why must all the colors be super unrealistic and oversaturated?


colbytron t1_iuxbhyp wrote

I'm red green colorblind and this still looks sus.


MargaerySchrute t1_iuwyemx wrote

I feel like the idea that the country has re:foliage is RED RED RED but it’s mostly yellow with good lighting. I don’t think we have nearly as many red maples as implied (aren’t they invasive or something undesirable)


SocialistMoms t1_iuwrqox wrote

I wish complex wasn’t blowing up LW. Too many people there already!!!


DaddyBobMN t1_iuwby5p wrote

Why share it then?


Twombls OP t1_iuwcvil wrote

Because I can. Also it has like 200k likes in 10 hours so its not like im spreading it anymore lol.


thunder-cricket t1_iuwf65n wrote

Because this sub is full of cranky Vermonters who get angry at nice photos of their state that make people want to visit.


killminusnine t1_iuwvn99 wrote

There is nothing nice or real about this shitty fucking photo. But yes on the cranky Vermonters part.


ducc_y t1_iuy3eiy wrote

This shit giving me a headache


Ok-Valuable-6430 t1_iuw3i5t wrote

how do you know is fake? curious


Twombls OP t1_iuw42ud wrote

I mean its not quite that vibrant in real life. Like foliage is colorful but its not neon. You can tell it has an orange filter because when you look at the green leaves. They have an orange tint.

Also white pines dont turn orange in the fall...

It looks like he tried to paint around the pine trees, but there are some in the lower left corner of the picture that he got.


[deleted] t1_iuw4p69 wrote



Optimized_Orangutan t1_iuw5iof wrote

This is absolutely faked/doctored. Source I drive 5b past Willoughby every day and it doesn't ever look like that.


Twombls OP t1_iuw67b1 wrote

Its more than filtered. You can tell he did like a speckled orange and red paint from parts of the photo where he missed or went over the lines. He litteraly painted fake leaves into the picture


raptor3x t1_iuwbgru wrote

Nah, this is just cranking up the saturation and vibrance. That will often exaggerate color variations that aren't as obvious to the naked eye.


Eagle_Arm t1_iuw8nv5 wrote

How much acid are you taking to think the trees look like that and where can I get some?


meinblown t1_iuw4zq4 wrote

How does this hurt you? Who cares?


JerryKook t1_iuw5qct wrote

> How does this hurt you? Who cares?

So we should only complain about or discuss things, that cause us harm or damage?

To me this is like a saying we got 2' of snow when we only got 4".


Twombls OP t1_iuw5yxn wrote

Yeah exactly this was posted on a pretty big insta page. Also with the implication that it looks like this RIGHT NOW.


Distinguished_Parrot t1_iuwuxkl wrote

I can't wait for the inevitable comments like "I just drove 6 hours to see this spot and everything was BARE"


Twombls OP t1_iuw57ac wrote

Bro its a meme in the sub to find these.

Also do you really want our tourism board promoting our state with fake photos lmao


meinblown t1_iuw5bff wrote

Vermont is a meme. Cash is cash.


cpujockey t1_iuw9bir wrote

Give yer balls a tug.

This is a state where people and families live.

Not some fucking fall wonderland full of pumpkin spice lattes and instagram photo ops.


thunder-cricket t1_iuwczfv wrote

>Give yer balls a tug.

No one gives a shit you watch Letterkenny.


>This is a state where people and families live.
>Not some fucking fall wonderland full of pumpkin spice lattes and instagram photo ops.

No, it is a fucking fall wonderland and people and families live here. Both of these things are true, you cranky fuck.


cpujockey t1_iuwddah wrote

> Both of these things are true, you cranky fuck.

in time only one truth will prevail.


thunder-cricket t1_iuwe37g wrote

Yes, in time, the only the truth, that you're a cranky fuck, will prevail. Give your balls a tug, dude.


cpujockey t1_iuwfeys wrote

my balls remain untugged


thunder-cricket t1_iuwm6ax wrote

I don't blame you. You should probably wash 'em down with a warm wet rag first.


cpujockey t1_iuyzah7 wrote

What? What's that? I can't hear you over your mom gargling my boys.


thunder-cricket t1_iuz97p6 wrote

Cool. I recommend you have her take her false teeth out first. When your mom does that for me, I call it 'the smoothie.'


cpujockey t1_iuzg861 wrote

You're a good sport dude. I'ma give you an updoot


meinblown t1_iuwec6k wrote

Then it will be a Winter Wonderland, and then a Spring Wonderland!


thunder-cricket t1_iuwfzel wrote

Many wouldn't agree with that assessment; a lot find winter too cold and spring too muddy. Personally I love those seasons here also. But, as much as it drives this curmudgeonly sub insane with rage, everyone - EVERYONE - agrees fall here is fucking magical.

As much as it pisses this sub off, this place is full of colorful beauty, there are delicious warm spicy coffee beverages to be enjoyed, and people take lovelty pictures of the landscape and post them on the internet. It's a tough world.


theGazella t1_iuw74bj wrote

Everything ab Vermont is fake. People come up here to see it and it’s not as great as it seems and the people suck and everything closes at 8 and nothing open until thurs-sat.


Eagle_Arm t1_iuw8um4 wrote

And yet they keep coming? So strange.


meinblown t1_iuw92cb wrote

And you continue to complain about it, while depositing their tourist money.


Eagle_Arm t1_iuw9n6z wrote

Idiots, we complain about idiots. Tourists are fine.

I also make zero dollars a year from tourists.


thunder-cricket t1_iuwfni5 wrote

If you make money in a small state that bring in 3 billion dollars a year from other places through tourism, at some level you make some money from tourism. Maybe you don't personally sell postcards and maple syrup at a gift shop. But someone who does, spends some of the money they make that way buying some shit from you. Also that guy who runs the gas station in your town, that you go to so your bad ass 4x4 can run, wouldn't be there if it wasn't for the tourists. That's how economies work.


Eagle_Arm t1_iuwggw5 wrote

Wouldn't it just be easier to say you don't know how economies work?

If Vermont never saw another tourist... like.....ever, my money, income, job, career, would change exactly 0%. My job has nothing, absolutely nothing tied to tourism. Even in third order effects, nothing. I'm basically as far removed from tourism as possible.

A good effort on your part though!


thunder-cricket t1_iuwlvb3 wrote

>A good effort on your part though!

Thank you. That's because I'm right and you're wrong.

I don't care what you do for a living (but you're welcome to share what it is, if you think that will prove your point). If you live in the vermont, a shit load of money circulating around your community comes from tourism, and you economically benefit from that reality.

I mean unless you live in a cave in the woods and don't use money or something. But you're on the internet so we know that's not the case.


Eagle_Arm t1_iuwp6hx wrote

>Thank you. That's because I'm right and you're wrong.

Bro, you went back and edited/changed your comment after I responded to it in order to try and make it make more sense...after I already responded. Are you for real? Haha. If you have to change your initial comment to make yourself sound right...are you actually right?

Yeah, not giving you my job, but again. Zero impact. You could argue a large part of VT is impacted by tourism, but I'm not. Nothing, again, nothing about VT tourism impacts my career or living....notice how I mentioned third order effects already in my initial comment.

I already thought about that before I responded to your comment and then you went back and edited yours. So congrats I guess? Again, tourism doesn't impact my life. I've thought about it.


thunder-cricket t1_iuwqnhy wrote

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about with editing my comment. I think I added the part about you hypothetically living in the woods part after first posting it, because I tried to imagine some scenario where what you're saying could be true. but the point is the same. My point is the consistent through this discussion.

But sure. Whatever dude. I'll take your word for it even though you won't say what you do. Maybe you're a top secret spy or something (but still you'd benefit from the economy you live in). Whatever the case, fine. You're some weird anomaly that lives above the economy of the state you presumably live and do business in.

That still doesn't change the fucking point that Vermont relies on a tourist economy that the whole state (except for you, somehow) benefits from, but this sub shits on tourists like all they do is come here and piss in our maple syrup or something. You can't 'argue a large part of VT is impacted by tourism' because there's no fucking argument. That's just reality.

EDIT: Sure, 'You could argue a large part of VT is impacted by tourism.' Just like you 'could argue' the sky is blue. But pointing out either makes you look like disingenuous dipshit.


Eagle_Arm t1_iuwsvfr wrote

You know exactly what I'm talking about with your edit.

I responded to your comment. You then went back and edited your initial comment to create counterpoints to my response, so it looked like they occurred before I responded. 1. Just weird. 2. Poor etiquette.

Your point also doesn't stand. I said 'I' am not impacted by tourism. Not a difficult concept. I never said "Vermont" doesn't benefit from tourism.

There are plenty of people in Vermont who's lives are not impacted by tourism. Maybe you just don't see it.

My comments aren't shitting on tourist comments, they are comments about me receiving zero impact from tourism.

You're such an angry little boy. Calm down.


thunder-cricket t1_iuwxb4f wrote

>You know exactly what I'm talking about with your edit.
>I responded to your comment. You then went back and edited your initial comment to create counterpoints to my response, so it looked like they occurred before I responded. 1. Just weird. 2. Poor etiquette.

Yeah that's 100% false. What 'counterpoints' are you talking about???

I mean, I guess can't prove I didn't edit my comment in a bad faith way, just like you can't prove you have a job that isn't impacted by the Vermont economy. ...Well, if that were true, you could prove that by saying what your job is, but you won't do that for some reason. I wonder why ;)

'Angry little boy' lol. We're both going back and forth; you're at least as 'angry' as I am. Especially as you're making silly insults like that.


Eagle_Arm t1_iuwz7cr wrote

It's false? So you didn't edit your comment? And you didn't put in additional information that goes against what I said in my comment? Ok sure...

I can prove I don't work with anything in tourism, but unlikely you'd believe it anyways.

If only there were jobs that people worked in Vermont, but weren't tied to Vermont itself, the land, any part of the economy here, production, or labor here...if only those types of jobs existed.....if only.

I don't have any anger about this. You're popping off about everyone hating tourists and you're incapable of realizing markets exist that are not impacted by tourism. So no anger, a little disappointment that the education system failed you, but that's about it.

Go ahead and get your last word in or maybe go and edit the comment in front of this one to make it seem like none of it makes sense. Toodaloo!


thunder-cricket t1_iux0jkw wrote

No I edited it. I used the edit feature available on this site. I already said I did; mainly the thing about you hypothetically living in the woods. Maybe some grammar or something.

I will often go back and refine comments after I make them. I just didn't change any fundamental points like you're accusing me of. I definitely didn't read something you responded to and then go back and add a response to it in the comment you were responding to. Why would I do that? I would just make a new response.

OK toodaloo and thanks for the last word. I'll use it to close out with reiterating: All of Vermont benefits from the $3bill / year tourism industry, either directly or indirectly. Including you.

You have a good day!


theGazella t1_iuwahjv wrote

It’s not the tourists. It the actual assholes that live here


Eagle_Arm t1_iuwc4a7 wrote

You want to edit that comment so it actually makes sense?


meinblown t1_iuwep6k wrote

He meant the assholes in this sub


theGazella t1_iuwc97w wrote

I said what I said


Eagle_Arm t1_iuwcnc2 wrote

>I said what I said

Yes, yes you did. The sentence also didn't sense because it was barely English.

I suppose explaining a thought might use too much brainpower for you, so cheerio!


theGazella t1_iuwhzeh wrote

My, oh my. Don’t worry, my company is relocating me soon because this place and the people in it are some of the most unfriendly and rude I’ve ever encountered. So don’t worry. I’ll be gone soon. You can all continue to be hostile, judgmental, timid, and not to mention HORRIBLE drivers up here. I’ll be somewhere that’s enjoyable for me.


Eagle_Arm t1_iuwllnj wrote

Your company is relocating you because of the people here being big meanies?

So the company is failing and has to relocate because can't succeed in the current market?


cpujockey t1_iuw9ee7 wrote

> while depositing their tourist money.

I aint making money off flatlanders. Who is?


QualityRescue t1_iux4v3v wrote

This sub reminds me of the plot of Ghostbusters II. It feeds on negative energy.

Karmafarming by sharing things we hate.


papapatty12 t1_iuy6gei wrote

I forgot about the orange grass up there.


draggar t1_iuxdeoe wrote

It's also being over-used. I've seen it claiming it was around Lake Winnipesaukee (Wolfeboro, Alton, Meredith, and Moultonborough), as well as Sebago Lake.


mikenice1 t1_iuxqxjv wrote

Willoughby reminds me of a Scottish loch, almost like a fjord.


Alex_Sanborn t1_iuy3ayl wrote

Does anyone know where this supposed Vermont pic it located in the state?


Twombls OP t1_iuy3psv wrote

Yeah its lake willoughby, but for some reason its been mislabeled as like 6 other places in vt and nh .


sg3707 t1_iuz1bhy wrote

And that too using a drone where they are not supposed to


odee7489 t1_iuz67n7 wrote

This hurts my eyes.


alojaaa t1_iuzdxnv wrote

Kids these days…


Holiday-Row7946 t1_iuwy4vw wrote

As a Vermonter born and bred… who tf cares


pizzapal84 t1_iuwtjo4 wrote

Who cares? All those Milky Way photos are “fake” in the sense that you have to post process raw photos to show something eye catching. Photography is a medium for art just as much as painting. It doesn’t have to be raw realism any more than a painting.


Twombls OP t1_iuwu4og wrote

I do. Also this is just blatantly false representation of what it looks like.

If they were passing it off as a stylized photo I wouldn't care. But they are acting like this is what it looks like.


Eagle_Arm t1_iux0l98 wrote

When you look at a painting, is it real? Did that moment in time actually exist or is it a reconstruction?

A photograph is a legitimate capture of time. It's a real, quantifiable thing. There are crime scene photos, not crime scene paintings. We use 'mug shots.' We sell products with photos, people date others based on photos, history is documented via photos.

Photos can be art, but they should be considered art and labeled as such. People get upset with manipulative photos because it is trying to pass of a lie using a medium that is used to show truth. That's where the anger comes from.

Nobody looks at a painting and says, 'the trees aren't that color....a mountain doesn't look like that.' Because it's a painting, it isn't there to tell the truth, it's there to be a painting. Photos show truth and when that truth is altered, it's a lie.


October7_7 t1_iuy67er wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_iuyjcvh wrote

Which part didn't you like?


October7_7 t1_iuz2vdy wrote

I ain't reading all that shit tl:dr


Eagle_Arm t1_iuz3z5u wrote

But you did read it. Why act like you didn't?

But here's your tl:dr.


October7_7 t1_iuz7ovd wrote

>implying I read it

Cope harder dude


Eagle_Arm t1_iuz93pe wrote

That's not really what coping is or even the proper use of the word... I'm also inferring that you read it because replying to it without reading would be dumb.

Also, it would overall take less time to read it rather than asking for a tl:dr, reloading it, and then reading that. Saying tl:dr is a 'meh' joke, but you read it already. I'm assuming you could read it at least. You've already used cope and implying wrong, so maybe not.

You can continue further with the joke if you want. I'm assuming you'll ask for the tl:dr for this message too.

tl:dr: you either read it and made a lazy joke or you're dumb. Maybe both. Probably both.


[deleted] t1_iuw4u2r wrote



1DollarOr1Million t1_iuw65e9 wrote

Because this extends past enhancement into false advertising type behavior. Plus it just looks like shit. It’s such a meme because it shows complete lack of skill on the photographers part.


[deleted] t1_iuw68p7 wrote



Twombls OP t1_iuw6ld6 wrote

It took me 5 minutes to make this post while I was taking a shit before work bruv. It didn't take me much worrying. Don't worry.


Twombls OP t1_iuw4zjd wrote

Because heavily exaggerated foliage photos is a big meme here.


Eagle_Arm t1_iuw9bg7 wrote

That's not photography, that's digital manipulation. Photography is a camera and the manipulation of light.

Throwing filters and editing the absolute hell out of a photo isn't photography. Some editing to correct imperfections to make the photo resemble real life is normal, but this is dogshit. It's like taking a Marvel movie and calling it a documentary.


[deleted] t1_iuwasd6 wrote



incub8r t1_iuwp5n8 wrote

No need for a hard R. It's 2022, remove it from your vocabulary.