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Corey307 t1_ivb7afj wrote

Why do you live in a dark blue state if you’re a stanch conservative? Seems fucking dumb choosing to live in the land of Bernie Sanders.


ALittleLessFoolish t1_ivb9etc wrote

It isn't a deep blue state, it's been turned into one by trust funds kids and hedge funds managers from Connecticut using it as their winter playground since the 1970s. My family literally fought for the Green Mountain Boys in the American revolution, but you get to tell me where I'm allowed to live? What authority do you preside over that entitles you to make these claims? Many towns in Northern Vermont vote Republican, likely comprising the biggest share of the native Vermonter population, so what is your point?


Corey307 t1_ivbepir wrote

Blah blah blah it’s a deep blue state and will be in the future.


ALittleLessFoolish t1_ivbljl4 wrote

Blah blah blah people like you don't matter because we will use force of numbers to overwhelm your kind and then seek and destroy you.

That's what you really meant to say, so why not just say?


Corey307 t1_ivcgqu5 wrote

You’re fucking kidding right? The Republican party itself has threatened Civil War, the Democrats aren’t the ones threatening violence. But yeah if you go by the last two elections there’s a hell of a lot more voting Democrats than Republicans, you guys only have a prayer because of gerrymandering and the electoral college. Phil Scott being one of the rarest exceptions considering he’s definitely not a modern Republican, the GOP barely consider him a Republican.