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Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_iv19evt wrote

Rent free for sure. This guy has really gotten some of reddits feathers riled up it's kinda entertaining but stupid at the same time. Gotta wonder though did the DNC fund this guy too? They preach about broken democracy but then fund idiots like Buldoc in NH who are on the edge of winning now. I spend lots of time in NH and while I hate Maggie this Buldoc guy is an anti weed prohibitionist. Great job dems hows the hole in your foot feel?


Jerry_Williams69 t1_iv1a069 wrote

LiVe FrEe oR DiE


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_iv1ck6s wrote

Not sure what you mean by that but what's wrong with not wanting an anti weed guy in congress and being pissed that the DNC is funding the fucker? I drive over there everyday it would be nice to feel a bit more free from the police wouldn't you say??


Jerry_Williams69 t1_iv1cshu wrote

I didn't disagree with you 🤷


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_iv1e2r7 wrote

Fair enough you got me with the capitalization stuff. Not internet lingo savvy enough I guess. Always thought it was supposed to be insulting or something to write like that.


Kixeliz t1_iv1cvac wrote

Well weed is illegal federally. I'm surprised you support such a thing since you follow every law to a T.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_iv1flmy wrote

Here is the douche again butting in. Again you are being a dumb assuming cunt I said no such thing and break laws daily. Difference is the times I have been caught with weed and arrested for it I didn't bitch about it. Ya it sucks the laws used to really suck in that regard but I knew them and faced the consequences. Same thing with following voting laws of the state you vote in. Don't follow them fine but its on you when you don't get what you want. In this case your vote counted properly. If it's that dang important just put the proper fucking date where it is supposed to go. Why on earth is that so darn hard?


Kixeliz t1_iv1g2gk wrote

Because you don't seem to understand the concept of people creating laws for the expressed purpose of making the lives of others worse. Like those old weed laws. You seem to grasp they used to be worse, but can't comprehend why they were changed? Do you believe every politician is working on laws with only the best of intentions? That it's not possible for a certain party to take control of the legislative body and put out laws that solely benefit that party? All of this is foreign to you?

Though I do enjoy your "live and let live" philosophy while calling others cunts.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_iv1rdsb wrote

You remind me of those internet sucks memes where one guy says I love steak and then that person gets yelled at saying he hates vegetarians or something. Just more dumb assumptions. I like water that means you hate beer! Clownworld


Kixeliz t1_iv1rhrq wrote

Are you still here? For someone who bitches a lot about this interaction you seem to be asking for more.
