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pro_conser333 t1_iv9ulok wrote

Maple filled donuts, Cabot cheese, a bottle of Vermont maple syrup, warm mittens and a COEXIST bumper sticker.


meinblown t1_iv9vzyd wrote

You forgot the passive aggressive note tucked in the bottom of the basket explaining what is acceptable behavior and what is not. And a whispered signature at the bottom calling you a fucking flatlander through gritted teeth.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iv9z1j1 wrote

Close, except the only person who would bring a basket to start with is a flat lander. A Vermonter will let you live you life and be polite if you decide to introduce yourself.

You may meet them the first time when they come to help because your car is stuck 1/2 in the road because you thought the density of plow snow is the same as fallen snow and though you could make it in or out of the driveway.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_iva3ymx wrote

It's kind of a mixed bag. You are both a little right and a little wrong.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iva4bvz wrote

This is Reddit. We don’t deal in nuance. It’s either back or white, right or wrong, good or bad. Nuance and intelligent conversation are reserved for real life and real people.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_iva4g27 wrote

Oh I forgot. In that case, you are both totally wrong and I am indignant.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iva4no0 wrote

Exactly, expect this comment, totally wrong.


meinblown t1_ivatioc wrote

Some of us "flatlanders" come from places that actually have mountains though.


Chess_Not_Checkers t1_iv9syfi wrote

Darn Tough socks. An ice scraper. Walking stick. Gluten-free bread. A card with "/r/newtovermont" on it.


rufustphish t1_iv9t6fd wrote

Why Gluten-free bread.

I was with you on everything else. Just curious why that's you're suggestion?

I would of handed them some Cabot Chedder personally, but I'm interested to hear where you're coming from.


Chess_Not_Checkers t1_iv9tmco wrote

Just being stupid.


deadowl t1_ivc357s wrote

I would legit like to know what the good gluten free bread options are as I've got some friends with gluten issues.


heretic_lez t1_ivd8g0p wrote

Bonte Bakery is the best! Used to deliver to Burlington but right now only available in Montpelier


EmeraldAlicorn t1_iv9uv07 wrote

A small handwritten note explaining the evils of gentrification on rural communities :)


DaddyBobMN t1_iva3h5q wrote

When I moved here (pre-pandemic) I got a note on my car simply saying "Go home!"


tanbronson t1_iv9xn11 wrote

Some home grown weed, and some good IPAs


mysticcoffeeroaster t1_iva7o0f wrote

I was hoping for a coupon for septic service.

Oh yeah, and a coupon for some seasoned cordwood.


bigshern t1_iva1z3a wrote

Instructions on how to recycle and compost properly.


Rivuletside t1_iva7jrn wrote

Grafton sharp cheddar, maple syrup, foraged mushrooms, a hand crafted ceramic mug, a bag of Mocha Joes coffee, a pamphlet of local hiking trails and swim spots.


Websters_Dick t1_ivau812 wrote

Like you think we would give out local swim spots and hiking trails


Rivuletside t1_ivbw3jx wrote

True! Hiking trails maybe, swim spots no! Somehow they’re always found though. :(


Macasumba t1_iva8055 wrote

Map with directions out of Vermont? Joke Joke Joke


ScrodLeader t1_ivau61i wrote

All the belongings I couldn’t manage to fit in my car before you bought the house I was renting.


Icy_Ad6087 t1_ivbjob0 wrote

An ice scraper, a map with real cellphone coverage, jumper cables, a AAA card and a spray can of undercoating for the rust.


deadowl t1_ivc3cid wrote

An AAA card would be a sign of passive aggression. I've literally scheduled over 24 hours in advance through them and had a tow not show up.


TheMobyDicks t1_ivga522 wrote

Bus passes for anywhere out of state.


raynedark t1_iva6clm wrote

Vitamin D pills and a sunrise clock


Romanovs_Penguin t1_ivb4v3e wrote

An old Johnson Woolen Mills coat. A snow shovel.


Wired0ne t1_ivbo8nj wrote

Funny as it is, I actually GOT a welcome wagon lady come to my apartment when I first moved to VT in the early 70's. I don't even remember what was in it, but the act itself was really kind. To be honest, I'd forgotten all about it till this conversation reminded me. Good times.


MarkVII88 t1_ivcn1ss wrote

A baggie of fentanyl and a property tax bill.


Kayaker8283 t1_ivdafxe wrote

When we moved in the neighbors sent over a fresh apple pie with vanilla Ben & Jerry’s.


VWSpeedRacer t1_iviblrb wrote

Sugar on snow with a dill pickle.


DangerZoneSLA t1_iv9xb10 wrote

In a city center, any of the things listed already. Anywhere over 30 minutes from a city center, it would have:

Bud light, “Take Vermont Back” bumper sticker (a collectible from the early aughts!), Maga hat, truck testicles, some dip and a note calling you a flatlander, and telling you to go home to whatever country you’re from if you happen to be a POC


SilentUnicorn t1_ivaa8cm wrote

> “Take Vermont Back” bumper sticker

It is actually "Take Back Vermont"


DangerZoneSLA t1_ivagifi wrote

Potatoes potahtoes.


SilentUnicorn t1_ivajnmj wrote



DangerZoneSLA t1_ivakphc wrote

Born and raised in Vermont by parents born and raised in Vermont. Just because I’m capable of seeing our states bad sides doesn’t make me a flatlander, you… Republican Denier.


SilentUnicorn t1_ival4os wrote

if this were true- You would know the proper slogan.


DangerZoneSLA t1_ivan8w9 wrote

I was in my teens and high all the time. Excuse me for not wholly clinging to a 20something year old slogan used by the kind of people I purposefully avoided. I switched up 2 goddamn words you bland ass twatsicle.


WhiskeysGone t1_ivafnzy wrote

Ah yes, everyone in a city is a refined intellectual, and everyone outside of a city is a peasant savage.

Your bigotry is showing.