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Earl_of_Madness t1_ivahw2f wrote

I'm an out-of-stater and I have had no trouble adjusting to life here. However, I come from Colorado and The culture in Colorado is relatively similar to how it is here in Vermont. I'd say the major difference is in Colorado we like to chill and Vermont people like to be nice. Which works out great even if they aren't exactly the same. There were some differences like getting used to people being overly nice (especially while driving, my gosh the difference in the number of people who take/give right of way is insane). I've never had trouble getting appointments (except dental) and most people are friendly as long as you are friendly first. This I think is the key. The people here in Vermont are skeptical of staters because many out-of-staters aren't friendly or try to shove their values down your throat which Vermont wants none of. They just want to be themselves. I can respect that. Also, be careful of the culture shock coming from the south. Vermont is rural but it is a different kind of rural vs the south or west. To be honest I do prefer Vermont Rural vs Rural out west because rural out west is the "GET OF MY PROPERTY" ultra-conservative type who just hates anyone who doesn't look, talk, think or act like one of them. Never had that happened here in Vermont. Even people in rural parts of the state are super friendly and compassionate which was a major shock to me whereas out west the rural parts are more insular.

You still have a ton of NIMBYs here in Vermont though just like out west and that is my only gripe with the culture. NIMBYs are fucking everywhere. I understand the sentiment but NIMBYism is not a good way to preserve local culture.