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xxKingAmongKingsxx t1_ivaj6mm wrote

If you treat Vermont and Vermonters with respect and kindness you’ll get nothing but the same in return.

Treat vermont like your own personal playground and act like you’re better than us, gonna be a different story


Shadedavid t1_ivequp7 wrote

This is universal not just in Vermont


dharma_curious t1_ivft9hk wrote

Kinda? In TN, there's a general vibe of hating it here and wanting to leave it to the asshole rich folks who buy all the houses, and live on the lakes part time. Most people around here, with the exception of a few nicer places, feel like there's nothing this state has to offer except family connections. I don't personally know anyone who wouldn't leave of they could take their families with them. And it runs the political gambit, from literal communists to far right extremists. The only people who like it here anymore are the rich assholes who live on the lakeshore.