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MYrobouros t1_ivi7omz wrote

This is the content I'm here for


SemperFuu t1_ivid309 wrote

I’m gonna say it, camels hump doesn’t look like a camel 🐫 🐪 it’s more of a dolphin 🐬


cobo973 t1_ivid9v9 wrote

Dude there’s a mountain in Montana called Bloody Dick Peak. Ours are all good


SheaF91 t1_ividp7w wrote

We also have a Gore Mountain, a Mount Hunger, and a Bloodthirsty Killer Mountain! (Okay, I might be lying about that last one.)


troutfishingdon1 t1_ivj77eh wrote

I've hiked Mount Horrid, and it's actually not a bad little hike with decent views.


K9Marz919 t1_ivje8wg wrote

I can see terrible mountain from my front porch. Apparently, but I’m the 1800s some Local Young lady had to hike over it in a snow storm To get heating oil I think, and she said it was terrible, so they named it terrible mountain. (I’m sure I’m missing some details, but I’m close).

It’s a pretty steep hike at the top and primo buck country too


zonitronic t1_ivjeg0t wrote

They are fine. We just have a habit of naming some of them in the middle of February.


dropkickninja t1_ivjeym1 wrote

Our mountains are fine. Those two are just jerks


rufustphish t1_ivjgrv4 wrote

Terrible Mountain earned it's name, it's terrible to drive over in the winter.


Divio42 t1_ivjhwxi wrote

Terrible mountain must be quite terrific.


Detritus_AMCW t1_ivjn3dw wrote

The cliffs offer great views and are not that far from the road (though steep in places). Check to see if they are closed due to Peregrine Falcon nesting before hiking up there if you intend to see the cliffs.


Solid_Reference2323 t1_ivjs7kb wrote

Terrible mountain is gorgeous..just not the best route to take in snow or ice. I’ve experienced multiple vehicles sliding into 360s on the way down from Weston to Ludlow.


lordtacgnol t1_ivk0rcc wrote

After hiking Mount Horrid, make sure you visit the village of Satans Kingdom.


ggtffhhhjhg t1_ivk1qvg wrote

All I know is Killington is f@cked and there is no way they can host the World Cup by Thanksgiving unless the temperature drops dramatically.


Embarrassed-Shape-69 t1_ivk3psi wrote

I read that Mount Hunger got the name because a hunting party got stuck on the mountain as it was too dark to go home and they missed their dinner.


After-Pack-5477 t1_ivkg409 wrote

Ever feeling like your peaks were named by Debbie Downer? Can always slip across the Connecticut River and visit Mt Misery in Northumberland NH... (Always wondered about the history behind evocative names like that).


LetsGoMrON t1_ivmxzcv wrote

Don’t worry, if you don’t like those, you can visit Camp Kill Kare on Lake Champlain


JayG7800 t1_ivok38n wrote

Don’t forget about Grandpa’s Knob.