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VThillbilly t1_ivopwui wrote

Wow so many people happy to see it in a constitution to kill babies that's actually a pretty sad thing I'm not pro ether side kinda in the middle you know heartbeats and such. I didn't agree with one side saying none at all and I definitely didn't agree with the side that says up to and even after birth. But it is what it is. Just sad to see so many people happy about it. We got to get back to a common ground where thing can be talked out both sides are way to extreme we will lose our republic if things keep going this way. I know most of you will shit on me but I really don't care and won't read any replies. Good day to you all


HardTacoKit t1_ivorogv wrote

>and even after birth.

Stop it with this nonsense. That would be murder. Nobody is killing babies after they are born. And if they do they will be charged with, you know, killing a person.

This is about womens reproductive rights.


R50cent t1_ivow0a8 wrote

"I'm not pro either side" "Kill babies" "We need to get back to a common ground"

You should work on practicing what you preach then, and understand the argument isn't "killing babies" like some want to pretend it is, if you're trying to find common ground that is.

I'm going to pretend you actually said any of that in good faith, and I'm going to leave you with the best argument I've ever seen on the matter, just in case you actually do care and aren't just another dick claiming a moral position where none actually exists.

\I really hope you read this. I really do. You say you want to find common ground, you say all these things, but then betray your entire argument by saying you wont read anything.

It's sad. Do better, or just don't share your opinion next time. Nobody has time for myopic bigotry or obtuse arguments, but plenty of people have time for a real discussion. Good day to you as well I guess.


whaletacochamp t1_ivpd1qj wrote

DAMN. Carl Sagan really was involved in a lot more than folks think.


whaletacochamp t1_ivpc0dt wrote

Hey guess what idiot - the common ground is that a patient and a doctor are the only two people who need to have any say in this matter. Your obviously highly informed/educated opinion on the matter means fuck all.

Of course you don't care and won't read any replies. Just like every other hard core conservative you are too ignorant and self centered to even entertain that your point of view may be flawed/misinformed/under informed and will choose to push your head firmly up your asshole rather than use logic and common sense to navigate the world.

YOU are what is a danger to our republic. If nothing else shut the ever living fuck about "abortions after birth" since no one has EVER discussed that and that literally doesn't even fit the definition of abortion.

By the way, the only thing I can deduce about your "morals" from this comment is that you completely lack any legitimate morals and instead have created your own personal delusion of morality that fits your personal agenda and opinions. It's about as far from being moral as you can get.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_ivpr6th wrote

Let the hate flow! I would bet 10 grand you would never speak like that in public.


whaletacochamp t1_ivprps3 wrote

Yeah I'm the hateful one here. Fucking love that line that all of you right wing folks use "you're all so full of hate!" - I'm not the one taking away a woman's access to birth control and then making her carry a child that she cant care for to full term so that it can have a shitty life but, yeah, I'm the hateful one.

You and this other guy can meet me at the pit at noon tomorrow and I'll say all of this and more to both of your faces. Please bring 10 grand cash.


halfbakedblake t1_ivp5aq5 wrote

Do some research on quality of life when roe v Wade passed. I'd rather them not live, then live a terrible life or get sent to war for someone they never will know.

All republics fall. I believe all we have now is some stage dressing that makes up the "republic."


SPedigrees t1_ivqfnmo wrote

Here's a history lesson for you. Back when abortion was originally made illegal in a by-gone era in England, the intent was to protect women from dying in an era before sterile conditions and antibiotics. This law which travelled to the new world as part of British common law had zero to do with protecting the life of a fetal collection of cells. The beginning of life at this time in history was defined in a sane and rational way as "when a baby is born and brought forth."