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somedudevt t1_ivnvp6y wrote

Dems put up garbage candidates every election against him. The only election where he was vulnerable the Dems ran a transgender person which was a non-starter for many in the state. (Not saying trans people are bad, just that the population wasn’t ready for it) now he got the Covid response bump, and he is seen as a check on the state house. We want liberal policies, but we want some disenting voices to ensure it’s not a circus.


Cap1691 t1_ivo1n6i wrote

Brenda Siegel is hardly a shit candidate. She lacks name recognition and did not receive the support she deserved from her party.


Generic_Commenter-X t1_ivoc0g2 wrote

I've read that no other democrats wanted to run against Scott and that she didn't so much step into candidacy as that it fell in her lap. I doubt she would have run otherwise. She's a good person and probably would have made a good Governor. She doesn't deserve begin called a "garbage candidate".


somedudevt t1_ivo4otu wrote

She may be, but her resume is that she lost to the person Scott destroyed in 2018, and lost in the primary in 2020 for LT gov. She’s got street cred as an activist but she’s a bit extreme (not her policy, but her actions) which is effective for an activist trying to draw attention, but I don’t want to see the governor of Vermont driving to DC to sleep on the White House lawn until xyz happens.

Also Scott is far too strong now, the chance was 2018 when he had strong opposition inside his own party for the gun control stuff.


Cap1691 t1_ivohg2k wrote

First, I don't find her extreme at all. I'd rather have a feisty governor than a conservative play it safe governor. How are we ever going make and realize change if we just cling to the status quo? We need Brenda Siegels to shake things up and make us think. Also, don't you think that she might take a different approach from a sit-in on an issue of concern if she were governor? The position of governor would afford her a strong voice that might not need to resort to activism. On the other hand if, even with that stronger voice, she was still not being heard and she took an activist approach, I would applaud that. We need change in this country and we need our representatives to be willing to stand up, speak out, and take action.


somedudevt t1_ivok22t wrote

I am left of Bernie on most issues. But our party is out of touch with the middle of the road. The result is that when we talk about safe injection sites (good science and would save lives generally a good idea) we lose people. The same goes for trans rights (the science says that people have better outcomes when they are treated early and given options) but again society isn’t there yet, so it can’t be a major campaign issue, it has to be an evolve in office issue like gay marriage for Obama. Gun control is another one that we lose on with the middle in Vermont. So while her policies are not terribly radical, people want to see checks and balances on Montpelier and we send the most liberal people to legislate, we elect a governor who is slightly less liberal to hold them accountable. It’s worked for us for years. So I just don’t think anyone beats Scott but Scott…


Twombls t1_ivoklbq wrote

Vermont is never going to elect a fiesty governor


Cap1691 t1_ivoy1qd wrote

In your opinion. Stranger things have happened...


Twombls t1_ivok0nw wrote

She's an activist that's never held office before. She has a bad reputation in the nonprofits industry for pulling random information out of her ass, taking credit for things she didn't do and weirdly attacking certain services. Shes burned bridges with a lot of the dems in VT.

I wouldn't really call her a good candidate. She was never going to win even with support.

If Vermont wants a dem to win we need a strong somewhat moderate dem that also vibes with the rural people in this state. Probably someone with experience in office. Vermonters like level-headed people that change things slowly.


MarkVII88 t1_ivp1rs1 wrote

I agree with you. Just because you have experience being poor, raising a family in VT, and just because you purport to care SOOO MUCH, doesn't mean you're qualified to be Governor.

Additionally, during the VPR Governor candidate debate, when talking about climate change, greenhouse gases, and electric vehicles, they were talking about the price of buying electric vehicles. Yes, electric vehicles are expensive. Scott said something about expanding programs that refurbish and sell used electric vehicles for prices like $10-15K as more affordable options. Siegel responded by saying that for many families across VT, including hers, buying a used car for $10K is just not an option.

I don't think I want someone as my Governor who can't afford to buy a $10K used car.