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Hagardy t1_ivo4nj9 wrote

I’m pretty sure the last time an incumbent governor lost re-election in Vermont was in 1962 when Phillip Hoth defeated Ray Keyser jr and became the first democratic governor in a century.

So, honestly Phil Scott again because we don’t elect in VT, we coronate new rulers.


MarkVII88 t1_ivp0j2g wrote

After incumbent Gov. Peter Shumlin nearly lost in 2014, not getting 50% of the votes, the winner was determined by the legislature, as VT Law dictates. If he had tried to run again in 2016, rather than stepping aside, Shumlin would have surely been the first VT incumbent governor that lost since 1962.


halfar t1_ivoahaz wrote

more important is that we get to fellatiate ourselves with the whole "See? eVeN oUr RePubLicAnS aRe GoOd!" nonsense. people look at scott with rose-tinted glasses because they want to advertise themselves as non-partisan.


flambeaway t1_ivof4aa wrote

>we get to fellatiate ourselves

You say that like it's a bad thing.


ManOfDrinks t1_ivomiz6 wrote

"I heard Vermont had slavery removed so it could suck its own dick."


halfar t1_ivqco4q wrote

"Opposing Scott is the same thing as supporting slavery"

galaxy brain take right there.


MarkVII88 t1_ivp0vs4 wrote

Is it "fellate" or "fellatiate"? Or does either term work equally well?


flambeaway t1_ivp1e1t wrote

Self blows by any other name would feel as sweet.


halfar t1_ivqbqgs wrote

Duh. We're better than misplaced sense of smug superiority.


flambeaway t1_ivs0a5h wrote

The irony in this comment is delicious. Kudos to you if it's intentional.


stinking_badgers t1_ivoeqav wrote

Maybe that’s why you do it, but don’t speak for me or anyone else. Your assumptions and opinions, no matter how cynical, are not the same as the truth.


halfar t1_ivqbd3d wrote

I'm amazed you got the impression that I support Scott from that comment.