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kswagger t1_iye4dzr wrote

Climate Change is absolutely a factor but we are entering our third la nina Winter in a row as another commenter mentioned so its going to be very erratic, I moved here fall of 2017 we had decent snow in December and was brutal cold that Winter, 2018 and 2019 both years I was on the mountain by Dec 1st with good natural snow, I specifically remember that big fall dumpage in 2018 mid-Nov and we also had solid snow by Thanksgiving in 2019 as well cos I remember driving through VT in it to get to the fall Phish shows I went to that year. 2021 Winter was pretty solid despite la nina, I think I did more skiing that Winter than any so far, that February was an absolute snow dump fest. Last year was very erratic, and apparently this one if its similar, you are good for 2 seperate 2-3 week stretches of reliable cold and snow, but a lot of mixed variables otherwise. Personally, if I had to pick one outcome of the several el nina ones, it would be one big stretch like we had Feb '21 where it felt like everyday was fresh refills at the mountain.