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nick249713 t1_ivrnxcg wrote

Stacking wood is like folding and putting away laundry. I don’t mind bucking it, splitting it, but stacking it is so tedious.


ringomanzana t1_ivsnp04 wrote

You have to stack it all creative like the Scandinavians. I think the folks from Connecticut also get fancy with their stacks.

In all seriousness, stacking wood is a great time to clear your mind, get some exercise, and prepare for the winter ahead. It might seem terrible in the moment, but it is definitely satisfying once the job is done.


reefer_roulette t1_ivt36ik wrote

If I’m having a frustrating day I’ll go stack wood to help release the stress. I don’t really enjoy it but at least I’m being productive while having a temper tantrum.


bakerton t1_ivvawc9 wrote

I clean my kitchen for the same reason, if I'm going to be mad I might was well at least have a clean kitchen.


ringomanzana t1_ivxgq9o wrote

I also clean my kitchen to prepare for the winter ahead. I will clean it again in the spring. 😂


[deleted] t1_ivt4u61 wrote



whaletacochamp t1_ivtaxs9 wrote

Right? It takes me at least an hour per cord to stack it (often more because my woodshed is not easy to just walk into) and then I feel like half a cord is gone in a matter of days.


nick249713 t1_ivzs5bp wrote

Ya man I said it’s tedious not terrible. Definitely satisfying when you finish.


Lasshandra2 t1_ivt8ncb wrote

I helped my neighbor with this task this summer. It’s really fun for desk jockeys like me. He could have charged admission.

You need to ask people to help. People who want the exercise.


whaletacochamp t1_ivtb28q wrote

Exactly. My mom is a fitness junky and is always asking to come split/stack/haul logs out of the woods. She gets a huge kick out of it.


Lasshandra2 t1_ivtx5a5 wrote

Oh yeah. You can chat about silly things and they are super grateful. Wear gloves. Joy.


whaletacochamp t1_ivu10yh wrote

Also have a kid now (her first grand kid) so she will do anytbing to get a few minutes with him.


Lasshandra2 t1_ivu3z8n wrote

There’s a thing about humans: when they do mountain climbing, their perception of difficulty is influenced by whether they hike alone or with others. We are social. It’s easier when we have a buddy to compete with/take care of/show leadership to/commiserate with.

Same thing goes for so many of the things we do.


whaletacochamp t1_ivuo7gz wrote

For sure. Also, it's just logical that twice as many hands working on one task will get it done twice as fast. Obviously its not that cut and dry, but still much faster than doing it alone. So that in and of itself makes the task more approachable.

For instance, sometimes I have a free hour after work and think "i should stack wood" and then when I think about how I will spend my one free hour getting almost nowhere I'm like "ehh fuck that" - but if someone will help me for an hour a) it's no longer just a mindless boring task and b) i go into it more motivated because I know i will get somewhere.


theghostofmrmxyzptlk t1_ivtccq6 wrote

Sure is fun whitewashing this fence!


Lasshandra2 t1_ivtxgxx wrote

Thing is: if someone is bogged down, you can lend your enthusiasm to the awful task to make it easier.