Submitted by asdfg6672 t3_yre21p in vermont

Hi everyone! I am planning to move to Vermont after my health care program & I wanted to know if there’s any hospitals I should avoid applying to.

I’m also wondering what areas are great for families w/ kids. :)

I was looking to move around St. Albans, but if anyone has any input it would be deeply appreciated!



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danvtemt t1_ivt8jx9 wrote

I counter the UVMMC comment. I've worked there for over five years. Best employer I've ever had and I've been working for over 40 years. Excellent benefits and great people to work with.


friedmpa t1_ivtcq4c wrote

May I ask what you do for work or the field you’re in? Seems like everyone who has or is currently under the network has different experiences


danvtemt t1_ivtdoq0 wrote

I am in communications and patient transportation. Coordinating incoming 911 ambulances and interfacility transport. I moved into this after years as an EMS provider.


friedmpa t1_ivtfe3u wrote

Thanks for answering, sounds stressful. Hope you’re doing well!


kabfighter2 t1_ivthzp7 wrote

If you're willing to be about 45 minutes south of Burlington (also 45 minutes north of Rutland), Porter Medical Center in Middlebury is a pretty nice place to work. It's a small critical-access hospital within the UVM Health Network. As others have and will point out, housing is tight here. Send me a message if you want more info and I'll tell you all about it.


TheMobyDicks t1_ivtfb04 wrote

"I was looking to move around St. Albans"

Rue Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, QC, Canada

You're welcome.


kellyinacherrytree t1_ivtuzzs wrote

Get on childcare waitlists as soon as possible if you need it. Housing is scarce and expensive.


TheBugHouse t1_ivtd2sq wrote

What sort of program are you in? That may determine a better option over another... I've been at DHMC for over a decade and IMO it's an outstanding hospital and I really like working there, pay and benefits are top tier IMO. I worked at a small hospital for almost a decade prior and although I had great coworkers and a decent experience, it doesn't compare. It'll really boil down to what you're looking for and how you want work to fit into your life. I basically did the same as you're planning 20 years ago.


sound_of_apocalypto t1_ivtin5n wrote

My coworker's wife just left there after many, many years and has a very different take on DHMC. It might depend somewhat on the department/position though.


durpdurpturd t1_ivt89bv wrote

Generally avoid anything within the UVM health network. Unfortunately they have gobbled up many hospitals in the state although not St. Albans yet.

They are all about the dollar. Paying healthcare workers shit and over charging patients and making them wait years for appointments. Also a toxic work culture within the hospital. Stay clear if you can.

Several-Ad-4911 t1_ivwlhyr wrote

St albans hospital is known for absolutely awful care borderline negligence… lots of recent lawsuits to support this. I’d stay farrrrrr away


Vermonter623 t1_ivtf9jf wrote

We are full. Try maine


kabfighter2 t1_ivtgqf0 wrote

If they were just going to come here to work their six-figure job remotely, definitely. We'll make an exception for a respiratory therapist, though. We need them.


Vermonter623 t1_ivth24k wrote

The problem we are having is as more and more and more people move here, our demand for services goes up and up and up. Leading to a never ending capitalistic loop. We need to effectively cap our population before our needs overtake our capacity


JaxBratt t1_ivu33ms wrote

Yeah, I don’t think people really grasp that loop. They act as if we just build more houses and roll out the welcome mat it’ll be magically filled only with the needed professions and our problems will be miraculously solved.

Where I’m at some are itching to put in a major new housing development they claim will somehow solve housing issues but seem to fail to grasp that the teachers and nurses and tradesmen who can’t afford the dilapidated old houses on the market will suddenly be able to afford the brand new construction. They also fail to grasp that they can’t stop those really contributing to our housing issues who will only buy up the new supply. They further fail to grasp that our schools are already full and short staffed, so where are the new staff coming from and who’s paying to build the new schools?

The “answers” are myopic and simplistic sUpPlY vs DEmAnD and tax base bullshit fed to them by the fat cat capitalist, investors, and developers who don’t give two shits about our community and won’t be around to help trying to solve the extra problems their “solution” created.

Slow and steady wins the race. No reason to jump on the short sighted fad train and rush into more headaches. I’ve NEVER seen more development of that type improve a community and I’ve never seen it play out as promised.


Vermonter623 t1_ivu8904 wrote

The type of people I see moving here is even more troubling. Vermont has always been open minded not because of wide spread liberalism but because of the equal distribution of very average people. We are now seeing a huge influx of the ultra left wing,Ukraine flag in twitter profile/ eco warrior moving in and bulldozing a mountain for their new yurt so they can complain about slavery being bad on their phones which were made using actual slavery. Or the trustafarians who come here to ‘homestead’