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thisoneisnotasbad t1_ivywa8q wrote

Not to be a dick, but you are wrong and posting misinformation. I assume it is unintentional. First collision is not required in VT only liability insurance which pays if you are at fault. Your liability coverage has different maximum coverage amount for damage and bodily injury.

In addition every VT auto insurance policy includes uninsured/underinsured motorist which will cover both damage and bodily injury if you are hit by a motorist with no or not enough insurance.

As far as I know there are the VT minimums for auto insurance.

Here is progressive answer on what UM/UIM is

Here’s is a Forbes article.


If you look at your insurance policy all this is spelled out in the coverage section. I am pretty sure VT requires both bodily harm and property damage in insurance minimums. This includes minimums in uninsured/underinsured coverages.

Here is the actual law that spells out the minimums in coverage If you would like to look as well.


Total-Bag-8973 t1_ivz6msy wrote

I worked for 20 years in the claims industry. Unless things have changed, or VT insurance is different, I know of nothing that will cover this particular instance except Homeowners.


pkvh t1_ivzessx wrote

Yeah it's a homeowners claim.

A 25k deductible is ridiculous for a homeowners policy.

Same as if an uninsured tree came smashing through the wall.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_ivz9dud wrote

I agree but that is not at all what you said. In fact I said the same thing in that only your car is covered, not your house.

What You said is, > Physical damage a/k/a "collision" covers your car. Uninsured motorist covers BODILY INJURIES.

And that is just plain misinformation. Perhaps in your haste you didn’t feel like explaining the intricacies of UM/UIM and how they apply but that does not change the post you made was just plain wrong.


Total-Bag-8973 t1_ivza5jc wrote

Then, I stand corrected. This must be something new. I've been out of the business for a while.

Thank you for the information. Lesson learned and filed away for future use.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_ivzak37 wrote

No problem. Sorry people are downvoting you. I also don’t assume your were trolling or intentionally trying to mislead, this all the links of supporting info. Have a great day and a good weekend.


Total-Bag-8973 t1_ivzatko wrote

As I said, this must be something new, and I am somewhat of a dinosaur! LOLOLOL!