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vtmtct t1_iw2s2nv wrote

I hope they are able to catch the driver and passenger and get some justice. Your neighbors shouldn’t have to pay a dime, whether it’s out of pocket or through insurance. These stories are a reminder why we need more police resources, addiction help and mental health services in VT otherwise it’s innocent people like your neighbors that are stuck holding the bag.

That story is far more egregious than mine but recently we were out to dinner in BTV and a truck with out of state plates hit our car which was parked next to a meter. There were no other cars around and they slammed into our rear bumper and left it parked like that. I can only guess that they were intoxicated otherwise they would have at least backed off the bumper and not left like that. We called the PD and they said not enough resources to investigate cases like this so file a police report online and we will review it to see if we can assign an officer to the case. Weeks have gone bye and no response other than it’s pending review. Our insurance can’t go after the other motorist because the PD won’t release the drivers info, due to “privacy concerns” unless the police pursue the case further. So basically right now it looks like us and our insurance are going to have to eat that one.