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artful_todger_502 t1_ivz963r wrote

After pulling me for not having my lights on at dusk (it wasn't dusk) I had a Rutland sheriff invent an issue with my registration, so he called a "friend" to put the car on a flatbed, and they drove me to the Citizens in proctor to get my cash limit, under the threat of "lose your car for a very long time." These people are garbage. It's not 1550 anymore. They are totally not needed. I guarantee the guy getting kicked is less of a criminal than this sheriff.


vtjohnhurt t1_ivzx35c wrote

The WA CO Sheriff is the only LEO that I've ever seen in Warren/Waitsfield. They set speed traps for leaf peepers, skiers and locals. I think they may also ticket people who park in the traveled lane on VT100 at Warren Falls. Both of these are useful functions. They're probably not needed where there are municipal LEOs.


the_ocean t1_iw03pw6 wrote

> The WA CO Sheriff is the only LEO that I’ve ever seen in Warren/Waitsfield.

That’s because they are the only LEOs in those towns.


TroubleInMyMind t1_iw13e82 wrote

They don't even set up in dangerous locations just easy ones to generate revenue. I have never seen a sheriff doing anything but revenue generation. The state police respond to any calls.