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r3nd- t1_ivznh0a wrote

He was the sole nominee of both parties and, when the news broke, both parties backed a write-in candidate. Just couldn't get the word out enough. Tragic.


8valvegrowl t1_ivzb5y8 wrote

Good job Franklin County. A shit Deputy promoted to Chief.

It will never fly in this state, due to it's long history with relying on sheriff's as the local LEO, but I think it's time to make the Sheriff's Office exactly what it intended to be. Serve papers. Guard the local jail. Transport people to/from court.


meinblown t1_ivzh10x wrote

...Get the shit kicked out of them coming out of the bar on their day off... I'm just spitballing here.


RedPillChef109 t1_ivzn3r0 wrote

A few states that is all they do. They don't have arrest powers outside of county property, and that's the way it should be.


artful_todger_502 t1_ivz963r wrote

After pulling me for not having my lights on at dusk (it wasn't dusk) I had a Rutland sheriff invent an issue with my registration, so he called a "friend" to put the car on a flatbed, and they drove me to the Citizens in proctor to get my cash limit, under the threat of "lose your car for a very long time." These people are garbage. It's not 1550 anymore. They are totally not needed. I guarantee the guy getting kicked is less of a criminal than this sheriff.


vtjohnhurt t1_ivzx35c wrote

The WA CO Sheriff is the only LEO that I've ever seen in Warren/Waitsfield. They set speed traps for leaf peepers, skiers and locals. I think they may also ticket people who park in the traveled lane on VT100 at Warren Falls. Both of these are useful functions. They're probably not needed where there are municipal LEOs.


the_ocean t1_iw03pw6 wrote

> The WA CO Sheriff is the only LEO that I’ve ever seen in Warren/Waitsfield.

That’s because they are the only LEOs in those towns.


TroubleInMyMind t1_iw13e82 wrote

They don't even set up in dangerous locations just easy ones to generate revenue. I have never seen a sheriff doing anything but revenue generation. The state police respond to any calls.


WearAWatch t1_ivzpqxh wrote

If he is convicted, wouldn’t the High Bailiff be responsible for the Sheriff’s Department as Acting Sheriff?


graysonofgotham t1_iw0jleb wrote

Yeah, pretty sure the High Bailiff of Addison County had to step up after Peter Newton was arrested.


bskolo t1_iw1aita wrote

Dave Silberman is a great guy and he owns the dispensary in Middlebury


deadowl t1_iw30u7c wrote

Who's Roberta "Bobbie" Allard though?


MapleMechanic t1_iw07y83 wrote

Addison County Sheriff has entered the chat


halfbakedblake t1_ivzye1u wrote

I'd say innocent until proven guilty, but that photo I keep seeing says guilty.


MarkVII88 t1_ivzqqun wrote

Keep it classy Franklin County!


maha573 t1_iw0cruj wrote

Let’s be fair here, two write in candidates ended up running once the news came out, and gathered thousands of votes combined. What likely happened was that voters unaware of the situation saw one name on the ballot and just checked it off. Not many people here are happy with the situation…


WantDastardlyBack t1_iw23uhk wrote

Exactly. I knew who to write-in from reading the news and doing my own research, but I know so many others who didn't even know he'd been charged or that there were other options.


Badbadluuck t1_iw6395v wrote

I didn’t know anything about it. I was filling out my ballot and I said to my partner casually, there is only one sheriff to vote for.

The only reason I brought it up is because Georgia stopped paying the sheriffs office.

Anyway, that’s the only reason I knew about this scumbag. I took some time and did some due diligence after that. I guess you never know if you don’t know.


WantDastardlyBack t1_iw6tgek wrote

Georgia didn't stop paying as much as Langevin decided to cancel the four-year contract ten months early when the town wouldn't agree to pay him more than the contracted amount. It left the town in the lurch and Milton offered to step in for the rate the town had budgeted.

I get he didn't like the contract a prior administration had created, but it was a signed contract and if a bank suddenly came in at year four of a five-year car loan contract and said they don't feel the amount is favorable anymore and wanted 35% extra each month for the remaining year, there's no way anyone would accept it.


MarkVII88 t1_iw0pqwo wrote

I just figured that a large number of people that voted in favor of this candidate had taken his dishing-out of beat-downs on people in custody as a good thing. Hardly anything surprises me anymore.


Current_Procedure_20 t1_iwj2d5x wrote

Their office sucks. They didn’t charge a man with assault after he threw chemicals on a pregnant woman.


AOx3_VSS_IDGAF t1_iw0lzcz wrote

To be fair most of Franklin County IS retarded


ARealVermontar t1_iw2xv6g wrote

When calling others retarded it's good to check your own post for obvious spelling mistakes.